When You’re Tired of Being The ‘In-Between’ Girl


He makes you laugh; the conversations are fun and meaningful. You two get along great and even flirt a little. As it turns out though, you’re just the “In-Between” girl, a girl to fill his time between actual girlfriends. He stops talking to you and you wonder, “Was it me?” The answer is no, there is nothing wrong with you. It’s a part of life, a shitty part, but this is how it’s always been. I’m not saying this is acceptable; it sucks to feel that your time and your friendship are valued so poorly but you can learn from it.

I took the time to figure myself out. Being abandoned like that is quite a blow to your self-esteem and can leave you feeling bitter. This is probably the best motivation to do some inner reflection and improve the parts of yourself you might not like. It’s time to build yourself back up, bigger and better than ever. You’ll feel a lot better about it. You won’t find yourself drawn back into talking to them when they are in-between girlfriends again. When you feel good about who you are it’s hard for someone else to make you feel small. You’ll also raise your standards for how you want to be treated because you understand what you want out of your relationships.

That being said, this isn’t some instantaneous process. It takes time and quite frankly a little bit of heartache to set you on the path to moving past it. I wrote some pretty angst-filled journal entries. I cleaned up my eating habits just to get the ball rolling. Still, I’ll have days where it sucks and I want to be somebody else, days where quitting seems like the best option.

Life is a learning curve and there are going to be people that will make you question yourself. The best you can do is love yourself first because all of that and all of them come second. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rasche Subritzky

I’m a Kiwi in Canada and I talk out loud to my dog probably too much

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