How You Deal With Psoriasis Is How You Deal With Anything

A skin diagnosis like psoriasis can be life changing, but it doesn’t have to change what you decide to do in your day to day life. Psoriasis affects about 125 million people worldwide, and doesn’t discriminate against age or sex. Men and women of all ages typically learn of their diagnosis from a dermatologist who provides an explanation for those red itchy patches of scaly skin. There are many different types of psoriasis, the most common of which appears on the skin or scalp. Although living with a skin condition can be frustrating, the diagnosis itself can bring peace of mind in knowing what your body is telling you through its symptoms. This helps increase connection and communication between the mind and body, and is a great opportunity to embark on a journey of self-care and acceptance.

Meet Yalon Mishaél, an LA-based entrepreneur and YouTuber, who also happens to be diagnosed with psoriasis. Follow Yalon throughout her day as she shares her experience living with psoriasis since childhood, what it has taught her about her body, how she manages flare-ups and how it inspired her to start her own business. Yalon is an inspiring example to embrace the self-love journey that psoriasis sends you on, and never let the diagnosis distract you from how beautiful your place in this world is.

Despite common misconceptions, psoriasis has absolutely nothing to do with personal hygiene. In fact, psoriasis is actually a result of the immune system’s T-cells mistakenly attacking healthy skin cells, causing skin irritation on the surface. Many who are living with psoriasis are never actually diagnosed or treated. A small patch of irritated skin for some can be tolerable, while others suffer from larger, more painful and itchy areas of skin. Reports have shown that people living with psoriasis, especially those of severe cases, are more likely to battle depression. It can be frustrating to live with surface level skin reactions to an auto-immune related issue happening internally, but you are not alone.

The best way to manage your psoriasis condition is to do research, listen to your body and prioritize daily acts of self-care. Flare-ups can be linked to stress, drugs, alcohol and even the weather. Maintaining a clean diet will definitely help your case, especially if you consume inflammation-fighting foods such as leafy greens, salmon and nuts. Develop a skincare routine that you consistently practice in the mornings and evenings, and most importantly anytime after a shower. Your skin will thank you for taking the time to nourish its cells and lock in the much needed moisture. Also, don’t forget – about 7.4 million people living in the US have psoriasis. Find someone in your community you can connect with and go to for support, encouragement or even to exchange tips and remedies that have helped soothe the skin irritated by psoriasis. Your life is not over, your skin is not damaged, you are simply a beautiful human being who is living a human experience. An experience that many others are navigating through as well.

About the author

Raquel Quintana