Rania Naim
Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.
How We Used To Love VS How We Love Now
What was so different back then? Where did we go wrong? How did we lose the essence of love and romance along the way?
A Question That Burns Under The Fingernails: What Is The Meaning Of Life?
“Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning.” —Viktor E. Frankl
When You Fall In Love With Mr. Maybe Instead Of Mr. Right
For the longest time I made excuses for him, until I just decided that I was done with Mr. Maybe and all his maybes.
This Is Why You Don’t Need To Love Yourself First To Find True Love
The person who loves you helps you love all the things you hate about yourself, or at least give you a shoulder to lean on as you learn how to love yourself.
16 Things You Should Say Goodbye To In 2016
Say goodbye to the voices in your head that tell you that you are incapable of doing something or being someone.
The Art Of Letting Go
“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”
21 Reasons Why I’m Still Not Married
Because the hook-up culture has ruined it for all of us.
10 Life-Changing Lessons I’ve Learned From Reading Paulo Coelho’s Books
Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian novelist and one of the most widely read authors in the world.
12 Things I Would Tell My 18-Year-Old Self
Don’t think so much about the future that you forget there is a life to live now.
4 Things You Experience When You Are The Black Sheep Of Your Family
1. Everything wrong that happens is most likely your fault.
5 Signs You’re Going Through A Quarter Life Crisis, And How To Deal When You Do
It is a period of severe discomfort, un-fulfillment, confusion, anger, discouragement and frustration. It is also the period where you start questioning everything; yourself, your parents, your friends, your job, your faith and why you are still here or if your life has meaning.
5 Things You Learn When Life Doesn’t Turn Out The Way You Wanted
You know how the saying goes “If you don’t bend you will break” You will find yourself face to face with your fears and your worst nightmares, but you will have to face them, even if you don’t win, even if you fall short, even if you will never be the same person again, you will navigate through them to reach your destination.