It’s Never A Good Idea To Go Back To The Person Who Broke Your Heart
Zetong Li

It’s Never A Good Idea To Go Back To The Person Who Broke Your Heart

It’s never a good idea to lean on them when times get rough because you know that they have a habit of disappointing you when you need them the most and you know they have a habit of causing you more pain.


It’s never a good idea to trust someone who gave you more than one reason not to trust them. It’s never a good idea to let them back into your life hoping that they will change. It’s never a good idea to hand your heart to the same person who threw it away like it was nothing.

It’s never a good idea to believe someone who lied to you a hundred times before. It’s never a good idea to believe their words and not watch their actions. It’s never a good idea to give them that right again; the right to get away with their lies, the right to come back into your life and continue to be dishonest and the right to take advantage of your kind heart again.

It’s never a good idea to lean on them when times get rough because you know that they have a habit of disappointing you when you need them the most and you know they have a habit of causing you more pain. It’s never a good idea to ask them for support because you know it’s going to be temporary, you know that as soon as you start feeling better, they’ll go back to their old ways. You know that they will always put themselves first.

It’s never a good idea to block other people out of your life because of them. People who could love you the way you want to be loved. People who are willing to give you exactly what you’re looking for. People who just want a real chance to win your heart. It’s never a good idea to break someone else’s heart for the person who broke yours. Look for someone who can heal your heart instead.

It’s never a good idea to believe that the person who broke your heart is the same person who can fix it because sometimes the pain is too deep to forget, you can still hear their hurtful words, you can still feel your heart aching and no matter how forgiving you are, some things are just unforgivable and sometimes you can’t really repair the damage. You can’t really repair your heart.

It’s never a good idea to go back to the person who broke your heart because nine times out of ten, they will break it again. Nine times out of ten, they will tell you everything you want to hear and go do the exact opposite. Thought Catalog Logo Mark