In A World Where Everyone Judges, I Hope You Try To Understand

Rakicevic Nenad

In a world where everyone judges,
I hope you look deeper into my soul
and ask me the questions that everyone avoids
when it’s easier to just make assumptions.
I hope you look at me as the person I’m becoming.
I’m not my family.
I’m not their past.
I’m not even my past anymore.
I hope you look at me and see my rebirth.
I hope you understand that my life before you
is not a life I relate to anymore.
It’s not a life I even recognize.
I’ve never felt more connected to myself
the way I am now.
I hope you know that this is who I am now
this is who I want to be.
I hope you don’t let your assumptions
push you away too soon.
I hope you’re not like everyone else.
I hope you always talk to me
and know that I will tell you the truth.
I hope you know that it’s easier for me
to be honest now because I’m changing
and everything else before you
feels like another life,
another planet,
another universe.
In a world where everyone judges
I hope you look at me and understand
because you know what it’s like
to be misunderstood too.
To be judged.
To be broken by a life
you did not choose.
In a world where everyone judges,
I hope you know that I won’t judge you.
I hope you know that I will also forget
the life you had before me
and I hope we can both start over
and maybe, just maybe
we’ll find everything we’ve been looking for
in each other. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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