Go Ahead And Leave

Brooke Cagle
Brooke Cagle

Go ahead and leave.

Leave the connection that you only come across once in your life. Leave the conversations that can go on forever and never lose their spark or their meaning. Leave the language of the eyes that penetrates through your soul. Leave the bond that seemed so real and effortless – leave the bond that somehow felt like magic.

Go ahead and run away.

Run away from your feelings, from the beauty of what could be. From the likelihood of finding the one love you’ve been looking for. Run away from the butterflies that keep hovering inside your whole body. Run away from the touch that softened your heart again, from the smile that made you forget your pain, from the eyes that got you lost in another world. Run away from something insanely fascinating. Run away from wonder.

Go ahead and hide.

Hide behind your work, your friends and your superficially predictable life. Hide behind your plans and your books and your goals. Hide from change, from the unknown, from the unfamiliar. Hide from something that could make you stop hiding once and for all. Hide from something that could change your life. Hide from something that only finds a special few people and it found you. Hide from something so rare; something that chose you out of billions of people.

Go ahead and escape.

Escape whatever moves you. Escape what makes you vulnerable or what makes you come alive. Escape what was once something you dreamed of finding. Escape the remedy to your virus, escape the angel to your demons, and the antidote to your poison.

Go ahead and walk away.

Walk far away from what you truly want. Stay trapped in your loneliness and your independence. Walk away from intimacy and affection. Walk away from hands that hold you at your worst and arms that hug you when you’re tired. Walk away from ears that will listen to your doubts and your fears and eyes that will always see the best in you. Walk away from lips that will whisper so softly to you ‘keep going’ that you will start to believe again.

Go ahead and disappear.

Disappear into the bubble you created – the one that keeps spinning around in the same place. The one that keeps turning your world upside down that you got used to living in an inverted reality. Slowly fade away till you’re invisible. Fade away so no one sees who you really are. Fade away so no one knows how much you love them. Fade away till you are no longer whole again. Disappear and lose yourself.

Go ahead and get lost. Get so lost and run away from giving someone a chance to really find you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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