25 Unusual But Heartwarming Ways To Explain What ‘Home’ Really Is
1. The comfort of your own bed at the end of a long day. A pillow to rest your head on so you can rest your mind.
2. The sound of your best friends laughing as you lie down on their couch watching TV.
3. The sensation of peace when you are taking a walk in a quiet neighborhood or looking over a beautiful view.
4. A cozy Sunday evening by the fireplace with the people you love.
5. The look they give you before they lean over to kiss you.
6. The safety you feel when you hold your mother’s hand before crossing the street.
7. The first sip of coffee in the morning when the world is quiet and you can witness the light of a new day and hear the birds chirping.
8. The way the person you love wraps their arms around you when you are scared or sad or just need a comforting touch.
9. The warmth you feel when your pet sleeps on your lap or curls under the blanket with you.
10. The place where you can be yourself without having to keep up appearances or wear any masks.
11. A place you go to when you want to be alone, your sanctuary.
12. The dinner table in the house you grew up in.
13. A glass of wine after a stressful day.
14. It’s certainty in an uncertain world and stability in an unstable world.
15. It’s blasting your favorite songs out loud and replaying them over and over again.
16. A good book and hot cup of tea.
17. The smell of fresh air that permeates your soul and makes you come alive.
18. A place you come to after a bad night and it makes it all OK.
19. It’s playing and running in the backyard on a sunny summer day.
20. It’s where the memories and the moments that shaped you happened. It’s the corners of the milestones in your life.
21. The place you go to pray when you’re feeling helpless and the world doesn’t make sense to you anymore.
22. The words you say unfiltered – how you truly want to be heard.
23. The place you get ready in before a date, a wedding or an important occasion.
24. It’s where you pick the broken pieces of yourself up and put them back together.
25. Home is not where you were born, home is where you no longer want to escape.