Twenty20 graceee_kayyy

14 Reasons Why I Want You To Be My Valentine

I see stars in your eyes and I want to build galaxies around you.


1. I want you to be my valentine because you are the one I want to go to whenever something good happens and you are the first person I want to talk to whenever something bad happens. You always know how to make me smile.

2. I want you to be my valentine because you introduce me to a new universe. I see stars in your eyes and I want to build galaxies around you.

3. I want you to be my valentine because you make me laugh and you make me forget the world. You make me look forward to tomorrow and look forward to forever.

4. I want you to be my valentine because you saved me from the demons that possessed me. I think you are my guardian angel.

5. I want you to be my valentine because you actually like listening to my horrible voice and you sing along, and I can see us taking road trips and singing awfully together.

  I want you to be my valentine because you make me see the world in vivid colors after I saw the world in black and white.

6. I want you to be my valentine because I am not scared of getting closer to you. I am not scared that you will leave, you make me feel like you want to stay. You make me feel safe.

7. I want you to be my valentine because you are interested in unraveling the words of my untold story. The esoteric words that my tears have written, the words that I vowed never to show anyone. You make me want to read them out loud and you make me want to write a happy ending.

8. I want you to be my valentine because I love the way you care about your family and the way you put them before anyone else, but I also love the way you make room for me in your big, gigantic heart.

9. I want you to be my valentine because you are my maudlin truce. I sleep at night knowing there is no battle between my thoughts and my feelings. You are the answer to all my questions.

10. I want you to be my valentine because I can see you playing golf with my dad and listening to my mom’s crazy stories. I can see you being part of my family and I can see you being my home.

11. I want you to be my valentine because you like my silly side, and you like how goofy I can be. I like how you like my frivolity and I like how you admire the depths of my wisdom.

12. I want you to be my valentine because you inspire me to make the most of my day. You help me find meaning in empty moments. You inspire me to simply live.

13. I want you to be my valentine because when I miss you I know where to find you. You fit me in the crazy hours of your day and you always make time for me. I don’t get lost in my brain wondering and asking where you’ve been. I love that I know where to find you and I love how you found me.

14. I want you to be my valentine because you make me see the world in vivid colors after I saw the world in black and white. You make me see the lurid details of you and the lurid details of me, and you are slowly letting your light pierce through the lonely cracks of my heart. Thought Catalog Logo Mark