brown and white short coated dog on brown wooden bridge

12 Beauty Tips To Unleash Your Inner Hippie

It’s stellar to be complimented on your style game. The current age of postmodernism is all about nods to the past though, so encompassing a hippie style from the 1960s and 1970s, a “dawning of the age of Aquarius” look, is not only nostalgic, but also technically contemporary.

The Vietnam War has been over for 50 years, and yet the counterculture phenomenon is still alive in all of our hearts, whether we were alive at the time or not. Wear your hippie heart on your sleeve! Follow these beauty tips, and be ready for Woodstock, a VW Bug road trip, a Phish concert, or as a hippie might say, anywhere you darn well please.

1. Use non-exfoliating bath gloves.

We’ve all heard of bath gloves that exfoliate, but did you know that there are bath gloves that don’t scrub away dead skin cells? Now I look like a hippie who hasn’t showered! All hippies, that is! Or ironically homeless!

2. Make your own perfume with essential oils.

Ditch the Victoria Secret mall scent and look up a recipe for mixing your own perfume that includes a few drops of essential oils. We associate patchouli with hippies, and it’s a great essential oil to process grief. Now I’m not sad that Woodstock was cancelled in 2020!

3. Go back to your natural hair color.

Whether your hair is Jenny-from-Forrest-Gump-colored or Janis-Joplin-colored, stick with what you have! Hippies embraced nature and all things natural.

4. Don’t heat style your hair.

Women straightened their hair with clothing irons on an ironing board in the early 1960s. Maybe that hassle was part of the reason women wanted to become hippies, leaving the ironing board behind and hopping into a van with no modern outlets. With this air dried hippie look, you won’t spend as much time on your hair as a Grateful Dead song!

5. Don’t put product in your hair.

Ditch the hair gel, hair spray, and other styling products, just like hippies ditched their childhood towns for adventure! Frizzy hair is just as natural as the moon and stars! You can see some cut and style (or lack of cut and style) tips in the movie or Broadway show Hair. Not showering like a hippie is also a way to get natural grease in your hair, the most inexpensive hair product of all!

6. Don’t pluck your eyebrows.

Have you ever heard the term “lazy hippie?” The laziest beauty tip of all time is probably to stop plucking your eyebrows. And hippies certainly didn’t have room for tweezers and a compact mirror in their bags, which were full of warm layers, because they never knew where they were going to be the next winter, but it was probably outdoors.

7. Stop shaving.

Hippies didn’t shave. And men liked it! Maybe because they could also stop shaving.

8. Skip the earrings.

Earrings are uncomfortable to sleep in and easy to lose, so hippies never wore earrings. Not even the peace sign ones!

9. Wear lots of necklaces.

Hippies did enjoy wearing lots of necklaces. Long before Michelle Obama invented the statement necklace, hippies were wearing bold necklaces. Often made of inexpensive materials, like wood, these necklaces were still so “treasured” that they were worn to sleep to keep them safe.

10. Wear your hair in braids.

Hippies loved braids, and if you’ve ever been on a hiking/camping trip for more than 24 hours, you definitely know why they did. It’s super comfortable if you haven’t washed your hair, because it keeps all the dirt out of your face! Now I’m also ready for final exams week!

11. Wear a hat or headband.

A hat or headband is another great way to get that greasy, dirty lake hair out of your face. Did you know that these accessories can also be fashionable? Hippies love expressing themselves!

12. Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair!

Whether you’re going to San Francisco or someplace else, show that you’re a gentle person by ornamenting your hair with some real or fake flowers, or perhaps some flower hair clips. It was as popular in the 1960s and 1970s, just as butterfly clips were in the 1990s!

With this beauty tips, you’ll feel as golden as The Golden Gate Bridge, which was closed to vehicular traffic and open to pedestrians during the hippie movement. You’d think that a beautiful glow comes from bronzer or highlighted hair straight out of the salon, but hippies had and have a natural glow from loving one another, from being one with nature, and from embracing true inner beauty. Peace!

About the author

Rachel Freeman

I’m a good customer