20 Things Only People Who Love McDonald’s Will Understand

Thank you, Ronald.


McDonalds fries
McDonalds fries

I love McDonald’s, and if you feel the same way, here are 20 things you may be able to relate to.

1. Too many people bring up the Supersize Me documentary with you upon their realization of just how much you love McDonald’s. If anything, the movie made you want to defend McDonald’s because of how freaking good it is.

2. You have friends who have worked in the fast food industry, and while they complain about how often they ran into sassy middle schoolers, you cannot hide your amazement at how they got to work at one of your favorite places.

3. Your best friend’s meal is an appetizer to you, while your meal looks like it could feed several people.

4. When you’re upset, your close friends suggest going to McDonald’s. Suddenly, all the tears are gone!

5. You still give your parents ‘the look’ when you’re in the car with them and you drive past a McDonalds.

6. You would never even think to steal somebody’s fries without asking because you know how much joy they bring to you and others.

7. You compare all fries to McDonald’s fries.

8. You have definitely referred to people as “saltier than a McDonald’s fry.”

9. If you had to choose between McDonald’s and any other fast-food place, people aren’t shocked that you don’t even hesitate and answer with McDonald’s.

10. You have referred to Ronald McDonald as your “bae” to be quirky, fully knowing that if your future partner doesn’t like McDonald’s, it’s a potential deal-breaker.

11. You’re known to be the coolest babysitter because you always take the kids to McDonald’s.

12. You have taken a photo of your McDonalds meal and put fancy filters on it, even though it doesn’t need a filter because it is beautiful as is.

13. You could write an essay about how the self-order machines have changed your life and the fast food industry.

14. You follow McDonald’s on every social media account.

15. Some of your best memories and loudest laughs have happened in a McDonalds.

16. You would get a tattoo of “Fries Before Guys” but all of your friends are against it.

17. People are in awe of how many chicken nuggets you can eat. Obviously, I want the 20 piece pack.

18. It could be the coldest day of the year, and you will probably want a McFlurry to accompany your meal, and feel no shame.

19. Whenever you travel, without a doubt, you will go to that country’s McDonalds at least once.

20. You have definitely cried tears of happiness at McDonald’s. Even the smell brings you happiness.

Thank you, Ronald. Thought Catalog Logo Mark