Paul Hudson

Writer, thinker, entrepreneur, and life enthusiast.

To The One I Can’t Seem To Get Over, This Is For You

I may never get over you, but truth be told, I don’t want to get over you. I want this new sort of love I have for you to stay with me. I want it to stay with me as I continue on with my life, as I accomplish my goals, as I find someone new to share my life with.

Why Every Woman Should Make Her Man Work For It

Don’t come over to ‘Netflix & chill’ — make him take you out on a proper date. Don’t chase him down all the time — let him do some chasing himself. Love is the answer. It’s the solution.

Please, Let Go Of The Idea That You Can Change Him

It’s nice to think that if you put enough time and effort into changing the one you love, you’d create the perfect partner. It’s this wishful, unrealistic thinking that almost always leads to misery.

How To Turn Your Life Around Before You Hit Rock Bottom

You should be happy, but you’re not. You’ve conditioned yourself to have sadness, regret, and anger as your baseline. So while most people only have a few steps to go from baseline to happiness, you have several miles.