Paul Holmes

Articles by
Paul Holmes

What Men Forget When They’re Trying To Hook Up With Women

Hooking up is people tourism, in the words of someone with whom I have hooked up. You can go for it when you’re lonely, when you feel cocky, to make a good story with someone you wouldn’t otherwise meet, or for the sheer joy of recklessly getting to know someone else.

Self Care At Gunpoint

Two bystanders immediately asked if we were okay, and said they had already informed the metro police. They had lingered at the base of the bridge, thinking they had stumbled upon a photo shoot until we put our hands up.

I Haven’t Masturbated Since The Mayan Apocalypse

I embarked upon this seemingly masochistic experiment because I was curious. Would I be able to stop? Would a dearth of orgasms negatively impact my temperament? Would another Mayan apocalypse come about should I fail?

7 Things A Good Boyfriend Needs To Know About The Menstrual Cycle

And the key to being not only a decent boyfriend but also a decent person lies somewhere between feigned paranoid indifference and keeping a copy of Our Bodies, Our Selves on your coffee table. If you ever wonder what a considerate lover might do when his partner sheds spent cells, however, these thoughts and useful suggestions will pay dividends in your relationship.