Know That You Are Braver Than You Think

Pablo Heimplatz

It takes a lot of courage to let things you really want to hold onto go, it takes a lot of courage to tell someone to walk out when you are sure they’re toxic to your life, it takes a lot of courage to stand up to your family and friends, leave your mother behind when you want to see the world,

fight for someone who doesn’t even know your name, run after someone who doesn’t want to get caught, build something that’s going to break, holding the shaking hand of someone who doesn’t want support, offer your hand to someone buried in the ground, offer hope to someone who doesn’t understand what it even means anymore, walk with someone through the darkness without lighting a match,

sitting with someone in the silence that is heavier than endless noise of the world, saving yourself from unnecessary grief, having a dream, wanting to achieve big things in life, stumbling and falling and crashing but still getting up and crawling or walking on unsteady feet to your destination, making it to the end of the day alive,

making it to the end of the week alive, making it to the end of the month alive, making it to the end of the loneliness alive, having the courage to wanting to smile and laugh again, having the courage to put one step in front of the other,

having the courage to live with your past as if an old friend, having the courage to not let the world harden your heart after all these years.

You are braver than you think. You are braver than you think. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Oshin Ahlawat

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