Nui Kara
pragmatic hopeless romantic
14 Reasons Why Your Life Doesn’t Really Start Until Your 40s
You focus more on what makes YOU happy or how to accomplish certain goals in your life in the future.
11 Simple First Date Tips To Help You Land A Second
Start a conversation on something light and fun and keep eye contact
14 Characteristics You Should Be Looking For In Your ‘Great Guy’
You know that even when the world is falling apart, one thing for sure is he has your back and you have his. You have that comfort to fight and overcome your challenges.
4 Things To Keep In Mind Before You Try Online Dating
Be honest with yourself why you want to try the online dating.
7 Steps To Help You Through Your Divorce
Divorce is not the end of the world. As long as you do everything with good intention and you are willing to learn from it, I believe it is a good thing.