Please Don’t Say You Love Me Just Yet

Inna Lesyk

It has been a wonderful time. The long night conversations filled with silly jokes and giggling made me happy, at least for a while. Now, we are approaching a moment I have been dreading.

And so I plea…

Please don’t say you love me just yet.
The thought of it scares the hell out of me.
Before you utter those words, please think about it first.
Think deep, think twice, think thrice, or even a hundred times.

Please don’t say you love me just yet
For I am scared that what you feel will burn down in flames.
Like a match stick that’s easily lit but dies as soon as the gentle wind gushes through it.

Please don’t say you love me just yet
Because saying so will be setting eggshells that I’ll be tiptoeing on till it breaks.
Setting off alarms I just don’t have the courage to face.

Please don’t say you love me just yet
For this will break the bubble we are in
Where we feel comfortable laughing our hearts out without a care for anything.
Just living in the moment, without worry for the “what ifs” that are taunting.

Please don’t say you love me just yet
For I’m certain that I will not say it back.
Fearing that when I do,
Yours will simmer in an empty space without holding back.

You see, my dear
I have this maze in my mind that bleeds
Drowning every bit of ease.

At the moment
I can’t do anything about it.
And for that, I am sorry. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Nonika Nepuscua

Filipino | Scars of battle wounds are tattooed on my soul.

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