The Promise Of Shiny Pennies
they promised us shiny pennies
told us if we stopped dreaming we’d have enough to fill our pockets galore
so away with our sketches and scribbles
away with our flourish and flounce
we were taught there is no room for all that nonsense
so put away your pompous behavior and get out of the light
and so we did as we were told
day in and day out
time seeming to speed up
never ceasing
never allowing a moment’s rest
day in and day out
swept amongst the masses
head down, eyes down, feet moving one in front of the other
no faster
no faster
never seeming to ever be good enough
day in and day out
we keep succumbing to our mundane routine
hands outstretched towards something that isn’t there
what happened to us along the way?
those shiny pennies that were promised are no longer shiny and new
because just like a shiny penny, we were left exposed to the elements, the harsh, cold world,
with its concrete walls, we were left unprotected, vulnerable, and naked
and just like a shiny penny left out too long, we lost our shine, our light, our life
so don’t get trapped
for that’s not living at all
bring out your sketches and scribbles
and flourish and flounce around
dance in the rain and splash around town
never lose sight of your light
an energy so powerful
so deep
it exudes out the body, out the soul, and lights up life itself
never lose your light, my love
keep wondering with those eyes
because you are a force
one that lights up everything she touches
never lose sight of the light within
never lose sight of what makes you shiny and new
for your love and light are what make you