Nikita Mor
Lover of personal growth and poetry
The Unedited Truth About Why Empaths And Narcissists Can Actually Be Good For Each Other
Empaths and narcissists are toxically attracted because they mirror each other’s shadow sides. They unconsciously project their deepest fears onto the other.
14 Signs You Are Dealing With An Emotionally Abusive Person
Emotionally abusive people shower you with attention one day, and then withhold it the next. They make you feel really special, and then act like you mean nothing to them.
14 Reasons Negative People Really Need To Lighten Up
Negative people are needy. They look towards others for value addition to their lives, rather than an equal give and take. They enter professional and personal relationships with the mindset of what they can get from the other person.
10 Things Emotionally Intelligent People Do That Makes Them Mentally Stronger
Most people try to run away from their feelings by engaging in self-destructive behaviors. Emotionally intelligent people give themselves time and do not fear loneliness.
Thank The People Who Have Hurt You Because They Are Your Greatest Teachers
The ones who cannot love us back are those that remind us that we are worthy of love. They show us all the insecure parts of ourselves that we must embrace.
The Real You Is Beautiful — The Importance Of Ending Your Abusive Relationship With Social Media
Excessive and superficial social media use is conditioning you to ask for the permission of others to live your own life.
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Want Children
Children are not an obligation or a necessity or a solution. They are beautiful gifts from God or nature or whatever faith you believe in.
This Is How You Respond To Bad Behaviors In Relationships
Truly secure people don’t explain why they want respect; they simply remove their attention from those that don’t deserve it.
What We Misunderstand About ‘The Law Of Attraction’ (And How To Set It Straight)
If we become totally obsessed with chasing after something, it keeps running away. This is because we are looking for what we can take from it, rather than what we can give to it.
Don’t Let Your Fear Of Rejection Hold You Back From Telling Them How You Really Feel
A slight bruise to your ego is a small price to pay for something as beautiful, rare and worthy as love.
You Can’t Outrun The Sting Of Loneliness
I used to think that there was nothing worse than death, but it seems as if we fear our loneliness much more than dying.
13 Signs You’re In What Is Known As A Karmic Relationship
Karmic relationships do not respect healthy boundaries in their partners. They serve only their own self-interest and needs.
Surrender Your Control To Allow Yourself To Become Who You Really Are
It’s strange how we think that we can find ourselves. As if the essence of our beings could fit into words of familiar languages. The truth is that we are as vast as our untapped potential, as big as the sun and stars, and as wild as the universal spirit of life.
14 Signs Of Immature People Who Really Need To Just Grow Up
They’re very good at judging others and pulling them down, but almost incapable of seeing faults in themselves. They’re in denial of their own weaknesses, and are not willing to admit that they’re human and less than perfect just like everyone else.
Here’s How To Discover What Gives You Deeper Meaning And Fulfillment
The inflow of cash in a non-fulfilling job feels good with the first few shiny new paychecks, but then the human part of us begins to wonder whether we are turning into machines. It begins to seek deeper meaning, an emotional and spiritual connection that materialism alone isn’t able to satisfy.
You’re Not Really In Love With Them, You’re In Love With The Idea Of Them
You’re looking for what they can do for you in your idealized fantasy, rather than the reality of what you can do for each other.
Look For A Man Who Loves You For You
Don’t look for a man who puts you on a pedestal, and loves only the pretty parts. Look for a man who loves your authenticity, your rawness and realness.
We Can’t Be Friends When I Know You’re Looking For More
I’m not a Facebook friend or an Instagram like. I’m a real person with emotions, thoughts, hopes and dreams. I’m not going to pretend like I don’t care, and that being vulnerable is something I should be ashamed of.