Nikita Mor

Lover of personal growth and poetry

This Is Why You Should Love A Sensitive Person

They don’t care about superficial things like what you wear, how you look or how much money you make. They care about your heart, the life it has experienced, and the stories it has to tell.

You Are Allowed To Fail

You are allowed to fail because you are allowed to be human. You are not allowed to live a life with no failures because that would mean that you have failed by default.

4 Tried And Tested Ways To Cure Commitment-Phobia

My biggest fear was that I would be missing out on something better by committing to one thing. I came to the realization that there will always be someone or something better for me and better than me.

5 Reasons Why We Often Settle For Less Than We Deserve

Everything we do is motivated by our desire to avoid pain rather than promote personal and collective growth. We miss out on opportunities because we are so focused on what we would lose if we take them up, rather than what we can potentially gain.