To My Free-Spirited Girls Who Run Wild, The World Needs You


To my girls who laugh a little too loud, who talk a little too fast,
Who speak with a soft, sweet, loud, sometimes difficult voice,
Don’t change.
The world needs your honest and frank opinion.

To my girls who are smart, weird, witty, funny, and original,
Who are as strange and unique as this mysterious, fascinating universe.
Don’t change.
The world needs people who are bold enough to be different.

To my girls who don’t wear makeup, who wear makeup,
Who wear what they like, and they do it for themselves.
Don’t change.
The world needs your definition of beautiful.

To my girls who want to become their best possible versions,
Who are curious, and seek more knowledge and more experiences,
Don’t change.
The world needs your inner motivation to take initiative.

To my girls who have fallen in love with adventures and exploration,
Who live for stories on a starry night, and friend strangers on the street,
Don’t change.
The world needs your restless spirit and open-mind.

To my girls who don’t want to be tied down, who don’t ever settle,
Who want a soulmate, and not just a big house with a ring on the finger,
Don’t change.
The world needs your wild heart, and unconditional love.

To my girls who don’t judge, who empathize and understand,
Who take chances on people, and care about the feelings of others,
Don’t change.
The world needs your gentle, vulnerable, and kind heart.

To my girls who dream big and believe in the best of people,
Who believe in magic, miracles, art, humanity, and goodness,
Don’t change.
The world needs your optimistic faith and enthusiasm.

To my girls who express themselves and speak their mind,
Who say what they feel, and wear their hearts on their sleeves,
Don’t change.
The world needs your earnest authenticity and creativity.

To my girls who are strong-minded, passionate, and independent,
Who discipline themselves, and work hard towards their potential,
Don’t change.
The world needs your strength and courage as a woman.

To my free-spirited girls who run as wild as a force of nature,
Who are as fresh as flowers, as strong as mountains, as deep as the ocean,
Don’t change.
The world needs you as you are, and everything you dream to be. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Nikita Mor

Lover of personal growth and poetry

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