Hate To Break It To You But You Met Him For A Reason
Elliott Dunning

Hate To Break It To You But You Met Him For A Reason

He was a storm. That's the best way to describe him. He came into your life with the gale force passion, your whole heart was his from the moment you two decided this was it.


He was a storm. That’s the best way to describe him. He came into your life with the gale force passion, your whole heart was his from the moment you two decided this was it. This was forever love. The kind your grandparents had. There was nothing the two of you could not work through together. And then, something, quick and brutal happens. And this life you were building together is torn asunder.

And there is you, confused in the aftermath, not even sure which pieces of the wreckage fit where, and you are suddenly alone. And this world has gone dark. Love, did no one mention how storms make homes in no one? That some people come into your life not to become homes, or even houses, but to teach you how much and how big you can love.

Some people teach you the depth of your heart by first ripping it to shreds and that’s why you met him, this human shaped hurricane, this devastation disguised as romance. He showed up to shake your world, to fold it into a thousand pieces, to make you a better version of yourself through the pain.

You met him for a reason, you needed to see just how deeply you could fall, you could love in ways you never even knew. We all need to understand the depth of ourselves. We all need to figure out how much we mean to ourselves. This is what it means to love someone completely. This is what it means to know how much we can give of ourselves to another person.

So do not think you are a fool. Do not think you will not ever love this way again. He came into your life to show you just how much love you are capable of giving. How much love you are capable of feeling. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Nikita Gill

Nikita is the author of Your Soul Is A River and Your Heart Is The Sea.