I Want You Every Day Of The Week

I’m excited for Mondays with you. I get to share a new week with you, a chance to start clean and make this one even better than the last.

I’m excited for Tuesdays with you. It feels like the longest day of the week but short and sweet when you and I take turns laying our heads in each other’s laps to exchange the ups and downs from our day.

I’m excited for Wednesdays with you. The week settles in, our chaos is balanced with calm and kisses, and we feel stable and so aligned.

I’m excited for Thursdays with you. I’m a day away from having you for the weekend. The excitement, anticipation, smiles, piggyback rides, and kisses build, making their way into Friday.

I’m excited for Fridays with you. I get to kick off my shoes, unplug, unwind, and indulge in your spoken and unspoken words. It’s just you and me uninterrupted for the next few days. A night out on the dance floor is just as fun as an evening in cooking while you sneak up on me, putting your hands around my waist and pulling me in to dance with my feet planted on top of yours. The kitchen becomes our favorite dance floor. Our food burns, and so do our heels, but heck, who cares.

I’m excited for Saturdays with you. Sleeping in, silly jokes, and sweet pillow talk while the soft sunrays peek through the curtains, caressing our skin without permission. I’m excited to share the smell of morning coffee with you while we take turns sharing what we dreamed about last night.

I’m excited about Sundays with you. I like watching you do your chores while I do mine, decluttering our space to make room for more memories.

I’m excited to do it all over again. I’ll be just as excited to have you tomorrow as I did today. I want what we have to go on for the rest of our lives. I want you every day.

About the author

Nida Ana

Writing to give you perspective, strength & inspiration