Nicole Tarkoff
Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.
I Deserved More Than Your Half-Assed Effort, Even If I Was Never Your ‘Girlfriend’
I deserved more than your half-assed text messages late at night in the hours you felt most lonely.
This Is How You Love After Heartbreak
Your heart becomes braver every time you persist to love again, but it also becomes more careful.
9 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Dating Your Forever Person
You’re both a little scared.
How To Survive Modern Love, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Taurus: You’ll survive modern love by opening up your guarded heart. When one person lets you down, you’re convinced the next one will do the same exact thing
This Is How You Use Heartbreak To Find The Love That You Deserve
The pain becomes your motive, and you do things because you’re hurt, or sad, or angry. And while heartbreak is all of these terrible things, it still isn’t something to fear.
Here’s Why All Of The ‘Wrong’ Guys Love You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Capricorn: All of the wrong guys love you because they think you’re not serious when you say you’re looking for something serious. The wrong guys think you’re just trying to be ‘unattached.’
There’s You, And There’s Me, But This Is What Makes Us
These are the little moments that make us, us. Because before us, there was you and there was me, each in our own little lives never knowing the other even existed.
This Is How You Sabotage Your Love Life (Without Even Realizing), Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pisces: You sabotage your love life because you’re a hopeless romantic. You want your life to be like a romantic comedy where Matthew McConaughey saves you from a giant dumpster rolling down the street
7 Signs He’s Only Staying In The Relationship Because He’s Too Scared To Leave
We don’t intend to hurt the ones we love by leaving, but staying out of fear sometimes creates just as much pain.
True Tales Of Being Stuck In A Quarter-Life Rut (And Getting Out Of It)
“I realized that I don’t need to have ALL the answers ALL the time. Finally, I developed a true sense of direction.”
This Is Why Your Ex-Boyfriend Thinks You’re Crazy, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: Your ex thinks you’re crazy when you knock on his door at 2 am just to ask him how he’s doing because you were ‘in the neighborhood.’
10 Signs Your Boyfriend Has No Idea Who You Really Are (Because He Doesn’t Really Care)
Knowing your birthday and your favorite color is great, but that has nothing to do with who you really are as a person.
This Is How I Finally Found Love After Being The Eternally Single Girl
My wifi network used to be Single4ever.
You Don’t Know Who Your Boyfriend Truly Is Until He’s Done These 8 Things
When he talks about the things he’s most afraid of, he’s letting you know that he’s not indestructible or fearless, he’s showing you that he can be fragile and scared, and that’s hard for someone to do
9 Ways Women Can Invoke Happiness in Themselves And Others
The people who truly love you will love every part of you.
9 Signs Your Significant Other Loves You For Who You Really Are
They love the things about you that you don’t necessarily love about yourself.
9 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Completely Fine With Being Alone
You’re picky about who you date. Your ability to set standards stems from your ability to be alone when you refuse to lower them.
You Don’t Know Who Your Girlfriend Truly Is Until She’s Done These 8 Things
When she lets you see her without all the add-ons she trusts and hopes that you’ll appreciate the foundation of what is always there. She trusts you’ll love her for who she really is.