Nicole Tarkoff
Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.
10 Things Men Only Do When They’re Never Going To Commit To You
Consider what he does more than what he says because you can’t have a relationship with words and empty promises. The man who’s serious about you will show you love, and not just talk about it.
13 Guys Explain How They Know They’ve Met Someone They Want To Be With Forever
“She’s everything I thought I could never find in one person. Funny, creative, sexy, all of these qualities I’d find individually in one girl or another, but never all at once.”
14 Guys On The Painfully Honest Reason They Fell Out Of Love
“I think that’s when I fell out of love with her, when I became her entire world, and she didn’t have one of her own.”
How To Win At Fitness: 10 Items That Make Healthy Living Simpler
Sometimes fitness feels like a chore, but when we make healthy choices our bodies and minds thank us.
This Is The Kind Of Girlfriend I Promise To Be
I can’t promise you I’ll be the perfect girlfriend, and I can’t promise you I’ll be everything you want me to be, but I can promise you that I will be myself.
When He Asks If You Can Still Be Friends
My spite for you isn’t as strong as the love I have for myself. Because we were never friends, we didn’t start that way, and we won’t end that way.
Read This When You Want To Understand Why They Were Taken Away From You So Soon
I may not be able to hear the lightness of your laughter, or feel the warmth of your embrace, but I feel the impact of your love. We all do.
Love The Person You Can Have Fun Doing Absolutely Nothing With
She knew she loved him when the moments that were supposed to be boring were better spent with him.
This Is What Will Happen If You Take Her Love For Granted
She showed you love in little moments that you thought weren’t big enough to mean something. But for her the little moments meant everything
11 Men Talk About What Made Them Say ‘I Love You’ To Their Partner For The Very First Time
“We weren’t doing anything important, it wasn’t on a holiday, or a monthly anniversary, or her birthday, the only thing that made that night memorable was the fact that it was the first time I told her I loved her.”
Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Kim K And T-Swift Drama
If you were late to the #KimExposedTaylorParty…Here’s what you missed.
22 Little Acts Of Love To Do For Your Long-Term Partner (That Have Nothing To Do With Sex)
Buy them Pedialyte or a giant bottle of Gatorade when they’re hungover. Electrolytes are everything.
This Is Why He Didn’t Call After You Slept With Him
Because he makes his own decisions. He decided that your expectations were too much for him. He decided that you were ‘cool’ but not cool enough to remain completely unattached.
I’m Over It, But I Still Think About You
You stirred my life around and I began to change direction. And when you disappeared, the pieces of yourself you left behind still lingered, and I hated that.
13 Men Reveal The Reason They Call Their Ex ‘Crazy’
“She tried to sink my jet ski, unsuccessful, but she tried.”
15 Signs Your Girl Best Friend Is Actually In Love With You
She brings you to weddings as her plus one. She does this so that when you attend the wedding everyone asks, ‘Oh are you two dating?’ And while you both awkwardly respond, she’s hoping the amount of times people ask will get you thinking about it actually happening.
To Every Girl Who Is Tired Of Being Told ‘I’m Not Looking For Something Serious’
I’m not looking for something serious translates to I will never love you the way you wish to be loved, and he didn’t. But just because he wasn’t looking for something serious, doesn’t mean you won’t find someone who is.
11 Things Strong Fathers Teach Their Daughters About How To Be A Strong Woman
Believe in yourself. He tells her that her dreams are valid, and to not let anyone make her feel otherwise. He tells her to believe in herself the way he believes in her.