Nicole Tarkoff
Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.
How Your Ex Will Try To Win You Back Based On Their Zodiac Sign
The Aries ex is extremely determined. When you don’t answer their texts or calls, they’ll stop by the coffee shop they know you get your morning latte from.
This Is Why Your Friends Love You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: You’re the fun friend, and that’s why they love you.
This Is Why Girls Who Forgive Others Easily Have A Hard Time Forgiving Themselves
The girl who forgives others easily can’t forgive herself for not living up to her own standards.
If He Does These 8 Things, He Doesn’t Actually Want You Back (He’s Just Bored)
He talks about the past because that’s where all the memories are, and memories aren’t scary, they’re just something to think about. The future is what’s really terrifying
What Each Zodiac Sign Does When They Secretly Don’t Like You
Scorpio: They tell their best friend that those jeans make their ass look fat, but if they secretly don’t like you, they’ll tell you your legs look UH-MAZING.
This Is Why Quality Girls Attract Not-So-Quality Guys
The not-so-quality guys who hurt a Quality girl aren’t stepping stones, they’re little pebbles of dirt. No one looks back at a winding road and remembers dirt pebbles.
10 Things About A Guy That Will Make The Girl Who’s Always Single Finally Commit
She’s used to guys who try to be someone they’re not to obtain whatever they want from her. When she comes across authenticity she finds it irresistible.
Here’s To The Guys Worth Waiting For
Here’s to the men who aren’t afraid to say, ‘I love you,’ when they really feel it. The men who realize feelings might not be reciprocated, but who take that chance regardless.
Would It Scare You If I Said That I Can Imagine My Life With You?
Would it scare you if I told you that I can see myself being with you for a very long time? And the only reason I don’t say forever is because I really don’t even know what that word means to me.
13 Men Reveal Their Biggest Regret About The One Who Got Away
“Biggest regret, not telling her how much she meant to me every single day. That I’d literally do anything for her, and that I could see myself being with her forever.”
Why You’re Holding Onto Your Ex (Even If You Won’t Admit It) Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pisces: You are trusting, and you believe in second chances, but sometimes you give them to the exes who are least deserving.
11 Little Things She Wants You To Do That Remind Her You’ll Never Take Her Love For Granted
Time ages your relationship in terms of weeks, months, years, decades, of memories you’ve made together, but it doesn’t age the way you look at her, the way your eyes light up every time you see her smile. It doesn’t age the strength of your love.
It’s Okay To Not Feel Beautiful
It’s okay to not feel beautiful, but try to remind yourself where that beauty’s hiding. Beauty won’t always be found staring back at you in that mirror.
13 Men On The Woman They Thought They Loved, And How They Knew She Wasn’t The One
“I think the hardest part of recognizing that it’s not really ‘meant to be,’ is admitting it to yourself, and then the harder part is admitting it to them. It sucks.”
13 Men Share The Little Things They Do When They’re Really Serious About You (That You Probably Don’t Notice)
I actually call her instead of texting. When I’m serious about her, I want to hear her voice, I want to hear her laugh.
This Is What Deep Love Feels Like
Deep love is wanting to make someone better when you can’t even begin to guess what’s wrong. It’s just knowing that something is off.
13 Men Talk About Why They Didn’t Take Their Almost Relationship To The Next Level (And What They’re Looking For Instead)
“I want a relationship that I definitely want to be in, if it’s an almost, it’s an uncertainty, it’s a maybe. In my opinion, that’s not a relationship worth starting.”
The Wrong Type Of Guy You Fall For (And Should Stay Away From) Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Leo: You fall for the guys who end up disappointing you, guys who give you the world, but only in the beginning, guys who make you the center of their universe only to rope you in.