Nicole Tarkoff
Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.
You Probably Won’t Ever Find Real Love If You’re Doing These 8 Things
To find real love you have to not only give chances, but take them.
Please Don’t Forget To Love Me
I’ll feel the love you don’t give just as much as the love you do. So please don’t forget to love me.
11 Married Women On How They Finally Found Their Forever Person
“I think the key to finding someone you’re ‘meant to be with’ is to not try and find someone you’re ‘meant to be with.'”
17 Married Men Reveal Exactly How They Changed After Finding ‘The One’
“I used to think a compromise was just surrendering what you want, but it’s taking someone else’s wants and needs into consideration rather than just your own.”
Your Leaving Didn’t Break Me
Your leaving did not break me. It made me mindful. It made me aware.
8 Signs You Should Probably Break Up With Him Already
Don’t be afraid to end the one thing that’s keeping you from being your best-self, even if it is your relationship.
11 Men Talk About The Girl They Thought They Were Going To Marry, And Why They Didn’t
“What we thought was ‘love at first sight’ was just puppy love combined with the craving to have someone to spend the rest of our lives with, and we did want that, but time allowed us to realize it wasn’t with each other.”
12 Things All ‘Over-Sensitive’ Girls Wish You Understood About Them
Our passion often blinds us to logic. Logic to us is something that attempts to quiet our excitement.
12 Men Reveal How They Really Feel About Women Who Play Hard To Get
Does playing hard to get actually work? How do men truly feel about women who ‘like the chase?’
11 People On What It Was Like Staying With Someone After They Cheated
In the end, the infidelity fundamentally changed the nature of our relationship. It changed the “story of us” to something sad and damaged instead of something amazing and beautiful.
If You’re Asking Yourself These 10 Questions, It’s Time To End The Relationship
Am I only with my partner because I’m afraid to be alone?
For All The Girls Who He Left Too Soon
You were the girl he didn’t give a chance. Because there’s so much of you he left too soon to discover.
Here’s What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are, Based On Your College Major
Business: You enjoy the little things in relationships that other girlfriends often overlook. You’re simple and you appreciate the simple things your partner does for you.
Here’s What Type Of Basic Bitch You Are (Because TBH We’re All A Little Basic)
Basic Never Has A Boyfriend Bitch: You named your wifi network Single4Evr, and when your friends ask for the password, “DieAlone.”
17 Women Reveal The Little Things Their Boyfriend Does That They Think Are So Damn Sexy
“When he plays with my dog, he’s as sexy as can be.”
13 Women Reveal Why They Let Go Of A ‘Perfect’ Long-Term Relationship
We still love each other very much, but we’re growing apart. We’re hindering each other, not propping each other up anymore.
Don’t Avoid It, You’re Going To Run Into Your Ex Eventually
It’s okay if it’s weird and awkward and uncomfortable, but if you avoid every weird, awkward, and uncomfortable situation that happens to you, you’ll never know what it’s like to face something.
6 Ways You’re Ruining Your Single Years Without Even Realizing It
You constantly worry about what everyone else is thinking. You want to know the sucker of all fun? Over-thinking.