couple swimming underwater together
God & Man

This Is How The Ex You Haven’t Talked To In Ages Will Suddenly Pop Back Into Your Life Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aries: Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you're forced to decide whether to swipe right or left on them. They'll show up on whatever dating app you've been using lately, and just seeing their profile photo will stir up mixed emotions.


couple swimming underwater together
God & Man


(March 21st to April 19th)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you’re forced to decide whether to swipe right or left on them. They’ll show up on whatever dating app you’ve been using lately, and just seeing their profile photo will stir up mixed emotions. It’s your decision which way to swipe, but you’re tempted to swipe right only to see if they’ll swipe right on you in return.


(April 20th to May 21st)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you’ve undergone some type of physical transformation. Whether it’s a new haircut or new wardrobe, you’ll run into them when you look completely different from the person you were when they dated you. They’ll most likely tell you that you look great, and your insides will scowl when they do.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life right before you’re about to make a very important, life-changing decision. Whether it’s with your career or your personal life, when you feel like you need to be fully focused and committed to something, they’ll show up to completely mess with your head. Damn you!


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you feel like your friends and family aren’t really there for you. Their timing is extremely unfortunate because just when you’re feeling lonely they’ll find their way back in. Your friends and family appear to be super busy, but your ex has all the time in the world for you, wonderful.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you feel like no one really loves you. Right when you feel like you’re not getting enough attention from the people who are close to you, or even the people who aren’t, your ex will swoop right in and attempt to give you all of that admiration you’re so desperately craving.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life at a time when you’re in desperate need of reassurance. Whether you feel like you’re a complete failure at work or in your personal life, right when you’re completely doubting yourself and your abilities, your ex will show up and reaffirm your potential. They’ll attempt to make you feel better about yourself after not having been there for so long and it will probably make you feel even more frustrated.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when everything is going perfectly. You’ve finally found your balance and you feel like life could not be going any more smoothly. You’re happy and you’re fulfilled, and then BAM your ex shows up to completely throw off that equilibrium. Don’t let them tip the scales in one direction or the other. Maintain your balance.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you finally find someone else you really like. You haven’t thought about them in forever, and just when you thought you got them completely out of your head, they find a way back in. It’s like they can telepathically sense when you’re happy and they have to intervene to wreck it all.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you try to catch up with people from your past. It’s not them you wanted to catch up with, it’s everyone else, and yet they still have a way of finding you. Whether you’re returning home after a cross-country move, or you’re just visiting, when you try to connect with people from that place and time who aren’t your ex, your ex will know, and they’ll try to reach out. You won’t want or ask them to, but they will and a part of you always knew they would.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you’ve finally accomplished all of the goals you always hoped you would. It’s like they can smell your new-found success, and they want to selfishly be a part of it. They’ll probably see your new employment status on LinkedIn and congratulate you, and if you don’t say anything to them, they’ll try to message you on whatever social platform they can.


(January 21st to February 18th)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you feel like you’ve made it pretty far along your journey of self-discovery. You had no idea who you really were when you dated them, and you’ve come so far since then. They’ll seep their way back in when you’re confident in the person you’ve become.


(February 19th to March 20th)

Your ex will suddenly pop back into your life when you throw yourself into your art and it actually pays off. People have always told you that your passions were a little far-fetched but when you really put the time in to focus on them fully, you proved all the nay-sayers wrong. Right when your talent is undeniably evident, your ex will show up, and you’ll wonder why they couldn’t believe in you earlier. Thought Catalog Logo Mark