This Is Why Your Ex Is Still In Love With You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Taurus: Your ex is still in love with you because you were the one person in their life they could ALWAYS depend on.

(March 21st to April 19th)
Your ex is still in love with you because you set their world on fire and then left them with the ashes. You fueled their life with excitement, and after the breakup it just wasn’t the same. Everything seems so bland without you which is exactly why they’re still in love with you.
(April 20th to May 21st)
Your ex is still in love with you because you were the one person in their life they could ALWAYS depend on. Now that you’re gone they’ve had to find someone else to rely on, and it hasn’t been easy. They feel lost without you.
(May 22nd to June 21st)
Your ex is still in love with you because they miss the way you love. Your affection meant everything to them. It made them feel warm and safe. You made them feel loved, and they miss that.
(June 22nd to July 22nd)
Your ex is still in love with you because they no longer have someone who takes care of them, someone who worries about them, and someone who misses them when they’re gone. You showed them a love that was sensitive and gentle. You deeply cared for them, and they know that, which is why they still love you even thought the relationship is over.
(July 23rd to August 22nd)
Your ex is still in love with you because you’re completely irresistible. Every time they see you, you look amazing and genuinely happy. You were one of the best things that’s ever happened to them, and every time they run into you, they’re reminded of that.
(August 23rd to September 22nd)
Your ex is still in love with you because their life fell apart after you left. You helped keep their life intact. You were there for them through every hard time. You didn’t leave because things got tough, you left because you felt unappreciated when they did. Your ex still loves you because they only realized what they had until after it was gone.
(September 23rd to October 22nd)
Your ex is still in love with you because you kept the drama out of their life, and now it’s found a way to seep back in. You were the peacekeeper for more than just your relationship, you gave them clarity on what truly mattered in life, and what didn’t. Now that you’re gone, they’re giving importance to meaningless things that don’t deserve their energy, and it’s making them feel exhausted. They still love you because you they miss the way their life was drama-free when they were with you.
(October 23rd to November 22nd)
Your ex is still in love with you because they have trouble making decisions without you. You made their life feel certain and stable. You helped make decisions for them when they couldn’t, which is precisely why you left. Now they’re still in love with you because they’re craving your advice and your approval.
(November 23rd to December 21st)
Your ex is still in love with you because you left with little notice, and you didn’t ask them to come with you. You like to have your independence, to be able to do things on your own, and when you felt like they were holding you back, you knew you had to let them go. You didn’t feel the need to slowly depart from your relationship because dragging out the end would’ve just been more painful. Your ex still loves you because you didn’t give them the clarity of closure.
(December 22nd to January 20th)
Your ex is still in love with you because you don’t reach out to them at all. You have complete self-control, and you’re not about to text them at 2 AM just because you’ve had one too many vodka sodas. Your ex thinks you don’t miss them, which makes them want you to miss them. Your ex is still in love with you because they want you to still love them too.
(January 21st to February 18th)
Your ex is still in love with you because they miss those deep conversations that would keep them up at night. You were the one person who really made them feel understood. They’ve tried dating other people, but they compare everyone to you because no one lives up to the deep connection you were able to form so early on. Your ex still loves you because they can’t find someone else who just gets them the way you did.
(February 19th to March 20th)
Your ex is still in love with you because they miss being swept off their feet. You showed them what romance really was, and you spoiled them to the idea that every relationship will have it. They’re still in love with you because they’ve kept all of the cards and handmade gifts you gave them, and every time they look back at them, they’re reminded of how incredible you were and still are.