The One Thing You Should Never Say To Your Single Friend Based On Their Zodiac Sign

blonde young woman reading alone on bench
God & Man


(March 21st to April 19th)

“Don’t you think it’s time to settle down?” Don’t try to tame the wild spirit of an Aries. Even if they do meet someone they can stand having an actual committed relationship with, they’re still going to be wild, and there’s no changing that. Don’t expect an Aries to stay in all weekend, single or not, and don’t ask them if they think it’s time to change.


(April 20th to May 21st)

“You’re never going to find someone who has everything you’re looking for.” The Taurus doesn’t want to hear that their standards are too high, or that they have to edit the long list of things they want in a partner, because you know they have one. The Taurus heart wants what it wants, and they have no problem remaining single until they find it.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

“You need to figure out yourself first.” The Gemini has no idea how to ‘figure themselves out’ and you telling them to isn’t going to suddenly make them learn. They are in love one day and heart broken the next, and they tend to bring their friends along for the emotional rollercoaster, but if this Gemini is someone you want to continue being friends with, you just have to accept that sometimes their love life is a mess that they have no clue how to clean up on their own.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

“I have someone who would be perfect for you.” The Cancer doesn’t want to go on a blind date, even if you do believe this person was made for them. They trust you as a friend yes, but they really don’t like venturing outside of their already tightly-knit circle. Honestly, the best way for your single Cancer friend to meet the person you want to set them up with is to make them feel like they’re not being set up at all.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

“You deserve so much better.” A Leo already knows they deserve the best, you don’t need to reassure them. Let a Leo explore the single sea as long as they need. They’re a pretty great catch, so everyone falls for them, which yes, leads them to give their heart to people who don’t deserve it, but they’re definitely strong enough to get over heartbreak and try again. Don’t tell your single Leo friend they deserve better unless you introduce them to someone who is living proof.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

“You just haven’t met the right person yet.” Don’t tell a Virgo that the reason they’re still single is just because they haven’t met someone because immediately after hearing that they’ll think they’re the reason why. They’ll start to think about how they act around people and what they do from day to day, and basically every little detail about their life they’ll begin to think is making them perpetually single. Let the Virgo revel in their single life. Don’t make them feel like something is wrong with them because they’re not in a relationship. Tell them to live it up, tell them that they don’t need a relationship to be happy.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

“Being single is great. It gives you a chance to learn about yourself!” The Libra hates to be alone, so don’t try to comfort them about their singleness by suggesting being on their own is a good thing. Just occupy them. Be sure to keep in touch, spend time with them, check in, like normal friends do. Give your single Libra friend a little extra attention because they don’t like to feel lonely, and friendship for them is key when there’s not a relationship in the picture.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

“Maybe you just need to open up a bit.” The Scorpio needs to really trust someone before ‘opening up.’ Let them take as much time as they need. Be patient. The Scorpio is extremely smart and resourceful, they know when they’re ready to let someone into their life and open up.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

“So who’s going to be the lucky one to tie you down?” The Sagittarius doesn’t want to be tied down. Even if they are in a relationship, they don’t see it as being tied down, they see it as sharing their life, and they don’t have to change their often adventurous lifestyle to do that.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

“Use this time to focus on your career!” While a Capricorn is extremely responsible and goal-oriented, which means they’re astrologically prone to focusing on their career, they are completely capable of separating their love life from their professional one. They don’t need to be single to focus on their career. They can have both love and career because they can do it all. The single Capricorn doesn’t need to be told to replace love with work.


(January 21st to February 18th)

“You don’t put yourself out there enough.” The Aquarius can be shy, but you have to let them date on their own terms. They need a partner who can have deep conversations, someone who’s smart and independent, and they’re not going to date for the sake of dating. Don’t ask them to go on a speed dating trial with you and don’t take them on a group date of more than 8 people. They don’t invest their time in people who aren’t worth it, and they won’t open up to people who they find uninteresting. They’ll only date quality people, and ‘putting themselves out there’ brings quantity not quality.


(February 19th to March 20th)

“You’re too perfect to be single.” While the Pisces is kind, caring, and gentle, no one is perfect and the Pisces is no exception. Don’t assume that just because they are nice to everyone the Pisces doesn’t have their own internal struggle. Communication is key for them and they want to talk to you about whatever they’re going through, but when you call them perfect, it makes them feel like they have to live up to your expectations. The single Pisces wants to be able to open up to you about the struggles in their love life. They want to be able to tell you about that Tinder date who ghosted them, but assuming that they’re perfect makes them hesitant to do so. Let the Pisces embrace their imperfections when it comes to love because they do have them despite what you may think. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Nicole Tarkoff

Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.

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