couple cuddling by tree with warm drinks
Collective World

40 Love Quotes To Share With Your S.O. That Let Them Know How Much You Care

"That's how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can't experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too."


couple cuddling by tree with warm drinks
Collective World

1. “In this life, we don’t meet many people who truly love us, who accept us for who we are, who put us before themselves.” — Neil Strauss

2. “That’s how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can’t experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too.” — Kaui Hart Hemmings

3. “I feel more myself with him than without. Maybe true love does that.” — Emily Giffin

4. “Love is soul work. Love can be met and joined with attraction and infatuation and all of that, but love will not fade when those things do. You can choose to close your heart to love, and run away, and avoid it for as long as you can in every way you can think of but if it was really, truly, the other-worldly, almost supernatural kind of love that we can only hope to be graced with at least once in this life experience, it will not leave you.” — Brianna Wiest

5. “Maybe that’s what love is. Believing in the best version of your partner, so they have the courage to believe in themselves.” — Marcus Sakey

6. “How could anyone find you and not find everything they’ve been searching for?” — Rania Naim

7. “They want someone who can make them laugh through the tears. They want someone who shares inside jokes and has a loud laugh and talks to their pets in an embarrassing baby voice. They want someone who they can enjoy life alongside. Someone who reminds them there is good in this world.” — Holly Riordan

8. “He becomes the first person you think of when you wake up and the last person on your mind before you drift to sleep. He’s your +1 to family events and your first call when something good or bad happens. And the weird thing is that this person you’re suddenly wrapped up in is someone you never saw coming.” — Molly Burford

9. “Your love is a blessing, not a burden. You’re not heavy, you’re light-hearted. You’re more than enough and the right ones will make you feel like they can’t get enough of you.” — Rania Naim

10. “Love is choosing to push away temptation and focusing on who your person is and how the two of you can grow together. Love is walking away from people and things that hinder who you two have the potential to become. Love is movement—towards one another, even through the chaos of this life.” — Marisa Donnelly

11. “You are my home because you have made me who I am, whether or not you realized what you were doing. You are my home because you showed me the best kind of love there is. You showed me real, genuine, love-you-so-much-it-hurts-and-changes-me-at-my-core love.” — Brianna Wiest

12. “He’ll be the one who isn’t afraid to commit to you. Because as much as you are thinking about him he’s thinking about you too. The type of guy who stays up just to make sure you got home safely. And will drive out of his way just to be the one to take you home.” — Kirsten Corley

13. “Look for generosity. Look for selflessness. Look for an open heart and an open mind. Look for a nurturing soul. Look for a giver. Look for someone who has a story. Who has a past. Who sees a future with you.” — Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

14. “You are so forgiving and understanding. Even when people disappoint you, you continue loving them.” — Kris Miller

15. “You won’t mean something to someone. You’ll mean everything to one person.” — Nicole Tarkoff

16. “She wants to be your best friend and your lover, your greatest confidante and your partner.” — Brianna Wiest

17. “Love is refusing to bring up the past, even if doing so would be a slam dunk to prove your point. Love is your hand wiping away my tears, trying to erase streaks of mascara. Love is the warm hug that extinguishes an argument.” — Richelle E. Goodrich

18. “Baby I have wanted you from the minute I laid eyes on you and years can go by but those butterflies are still there.” — Kendra Syrdal

19. “He never makes you feel unloved or unwanted. But safe.” — Kirsten Corley

20. “Here’s to the men who are unafraid of love. The ones who don’t give a shit about the rules of modern dating or if they seem like they care too much, The ones who realize that real love isn;t depended on who texts who first, or how many dates it takes to get you nakes, the ones who know that if and when they love someone, they have to be open honest and vulnerable, and sometimes a bit crazy, but they don’t hold anything back. They give us their all because they know our love is worth it.” — Nicole Tarkoff

21. “Contrary to what they say about having butterflies in your stomach, love is calm and safe. It’s about finding your person in life who gives you a specific kind of comfort and safety that nobody else could.” — Dorothy Field

22. “There is no one I would rather see the sunrise with than you.” — Renee Ahdieh

23. “You’re going to find a love with someone who accepts that your walls were built for protection, someone who shows you they’d never hurt you like the ones before them did.” — Nicole Tarkoff

24. “Date someone who chooses to love you the way you deserve and who shows you what love really is, every day of his life.” — Liane White

25. “Even though I knew this might end in heartbreak, that he might make my life scary and complicated and unpredictable, I knew I couldn’t let him walk away.” — Kasie West

26. “Sometimes it’s the little things that bring that special someone back to us in some small way.” — Kasie West

27. “There are some people in this world who you can just love, and love, and love, no matter what.” — John Green

28. “You have a beautiful laugh. Like the promise of tomorrow.” — Renee Ahdieh

29. “You make me believe in forever again. In days that stretch far beyond this one. In plans and hopes and promises that we’re finally mature enough to keep. You make me believe in the idea that people can give one another everything, and trust without holding onto the past. You make me believe that not every relationship will end in a battered, broken heart.” — Marisa Donnelly

30. “You say you’re not special because the world doesn’t know about you, but that’s an insult to me. I know about you.” — John Green

31. “You will be the clouds, and I will be the sky. You will be the ocean, and I will be the shore. You will be the trees, and I will be the wind. Whatever we are, you and I will always collide.” — r.m. drake

32. “The best boyfriends aren’t the ‘cool guys,’ they aren’t the bros who are too detached to care about love. They’re the ones who want to try. The ones who would do for you everything that you’d do for them.” — Brianna Wiest

33. “Sometimes, when we’re not looking for what we want, we find what we need.” — Erin Loechner

34. “Find someone who becomes your mirror, so that every time you see them, you fall in love with yourself, too.” — Shashank K

35. “I’ve been smiling at temporary faces
looking into temporary eyes
kissing temporary lips
touching temporary bodies
for you.” — Marisa Donnelly

36. “I think that when you have a connection with someone, it never really goes away. You snap back to being important to each other, because you still are.” — Alex Vause (Laura Prepon), Orange Is The New Black

37. “Find someone who will never make you ask for help or support or just a hand to hold because they are there, always. Because they understand. Because they love you.” — Rose Goodman

38. “I’ll always love you like it’s the beginning. I’ll always look at you like you’re amazing, and I’ll always feel lucky waking up next to you, but our love today is so much more than it was back then. Our love today is stronger.” — Nicole Tarkoff

39. “You need someone who treats your heart like it’s their home.” — Abirami P. Kurukkal

40. “Love should not break you — love should build you. It should encourage you, it should inspire you to be exactly who you have always wanted to be.” — Bianca Sparacino Thought Catalog Logo Mark