young couple looking angry
God & Man

14 Women Share Their Worst Fuckboy Moment Ever (Just When You Thought You Had It Bad)

We went to his house and he kisses me and says 'when is a good time to tell you how emotionally unavailable I am?'


young couple looking angry
God & Man

1. He went to his ex gf’s house after I wouldn’t have sex with him…

“I was really into this guy (and he knew it) and we all went out on a Saturday night while I was still in college (he graduated the semester before). He, my best friend, his friend, and myself came back to my place after the bar. We started fooling around in the other room and he wanted to have sex. I wasn’t ready and told him that I was still a virgin. He like freaked out. Stood up and left pretty much immediately. Later I found out he went to his ex girlfriend’s right after leaving mine. Needless to say, I felt like shit after.” — Molly, 25

2. I wasn’t invited to his clam bake…

“A guy I had been together with for about 3 months held a “clam bake” after finishing his 7 days of celibate treatment for Chlamydia. I wasn’t invited to the party.” — Rachael, 27

3. Emotionally unavailable…

“I met a guy because he lived in my friend’s building (and he had a cute dog) and we talked for awhile and then he asked me out and took me on a really nice date and then we went to his house and he kisses me and says ‘when is a good time to tell you how emotionally unavailable I am?'” — Chrissy, 30

4. I asked him if my age mattered he said it didn’t…

“I dated this guy who I met on OkCupid and he was 9 years older than me at the time. I reminded him of our age difference the first few dates, just to be sure it wasn’t an issue and he said it wasn’t. He dumped me 7 months later. The reason he used: our age difference.” — Jane, 26

5. He wouldn’t be my plus one to a wedding bc I got too drunk to have sex with him the night before…

“Someone I had casually dated in college begged me for one more chance. I told him it wasn’t a good idea given the relationship and how we ended things. (Honestly I didn’t even end it myself. My little called him up drunk told him to never speak to me again deleted his number and that was it.) Apprehensive he convinced me to go on just one date. We lived pretty far away at this point in our lives post graduation. I said I have a wedding by him and I get a plus one would you like to go. He said yes but first he wants to take me on a real date the night before.

We went to an Art Museum. (I hate art but I had to give him points for trying.) We quickly left as the Notre Dame was on and we each realized we’d rather be at a bar than looking at paintings. We drank. Went to Dave and Busters. At this point I didn’t touch my wallet at all just to test him. I got probably a little too drunk and fell asleep on his couch before anything went down. (Thank you Moscato) I woke up and he was in his room real pissed at me. I asked are you coming to the wedding? To which he replied, ‘I dropped a shit load of money on you last night and you didn’t even sleep with me. Have fun at the wedding alone.'” — Alexa, 26

6.  I helped him get over his breakup, we had an almost relationship, and then he dated my best friend…

“I helped one of my friends get over his breakup and we ended up getting really close really fast. We did that “almost relationship” thing for months, and though he made it pretty clear he had strong feelings for me, he kept being sketchy about it. One day he met one of my friends (who is literally exactly like me in almost every way — I’ve had multiple sources confirm) and decided he wanted to pursue her, so he ended up dating her instead. But one night, when we both got really drunk he started groping me in public and whispered in my ear, “You know, people here don’t know about me and her. They think we’re the ones together.” I wish I could say I angrily stormed away but, well, he was my ride home and he also promised to buy me a burrito. Oops.

Basically, he sucks and also he ended up breaking up with her at my house, where I was the only one there to comfort her, because he thought I was “good with feelings.” — Valerie, 24

7. I waited to have sex with him, and he ended up ghosting me anyway.

“I met this kid on Tinder, but was honest with him from the beginning that I wasn’t interested in having a fuck buddy, he said that was fine. I went on about 4 dates with him which spanned about 4 weeks. He seemed really cool. We had a bunch of shared interests, he was really cute, and I told myself I wouldn’t have sex with him on the first date to see if he was actually interested in me. I kept holding out and he was still talking to me, so I figured alright he doesn’t just want sex. So I decided on the 5th date I’d have sex with him, because at this point I really wanted it anyway. We had sex that night and what do ya know, he ghosts me after. I texted him the next morning, nothing. A week later, nothing. Never heard from him again. If I knew he just wanted sex I honestly probably would’ve fucked him a lot earlier instead of wasting 4 or 5 weeks of my life.” — Nia, 25

8. My cousin’s best friend…

“I’m really close with my cousin. We basically grew up like brother and sister. He has TONS of cute friends, and his one friend who has known me since I was like 5 years old is always such a flirt with me. One night we all went out together, and we agreed we’d crash at my cousin’s place after the bars. So my cousin went to sleep in his bed, and his friend and I were out on the couches in the living room. While my cousin was asleep he climbed over to my couch and started kissing me. He was trying to have sex, but I told him we shouldn’t cross that line because it’d be weird with my cousin and he’d probably be PISSED. He was fine with that.

As time passed every time we hung out he’d always make a move. It got to the point where I asked him “Wtf are we doing here?” and he shushed me and said let’s text about this later. We texted that night and when I asked him if he wanted to try starting a relationship, because we were basically doing that behind my cousin’s back anyway, he said ‘You deserve someone better. I just don’t think I’m ready for a relationship right now.’ If I had a fucking dime for every time I’ve heard that, but seriously?! From the kid who has known me since childhood, and is my cousin’s best friend, so fucked.” — Lauren, 27

9. He asked me to come over and make YouTube videos…

“So once there was this guy who I talked to on again and off again. He knew that I was obsessed with the internet and loved writing and youtube videos – we even discussed collaborating on something. After a while I ditched him because I was tired of all his games and we basically ghosted each other. A few months later, he sent me a text at 2:00AM saying that I should ‘come over and make YouTube videos with him.’

I proposed doing that during regular business hours, but when he found out I didn’t want to come over at that exact moment SURPRISE SURPRISE he didn’t get back to me.” — Farrah, 25

10. I had the biggest crush on my brother’s best friend…

“I had a huge crush on my BFF’s brother’s friend and we flirted from high school and well into college. He was the cool older guy of my dreams. On my 21st birthday, he messaged me on Facebook and said we should hang out when I’m home for Christmas. I couldn’t believe it – we were FINALLY going on a date after all these years. He picked me up from my parent’s house and we went out to lunch(?) and hooked up at his place after. He never called me again.” — Anna, 29

11. Frat boy gave me no summer love…

“We went to high school together and went to colleges that were very close to each other. We weren’t a full on couple, we’d just hangout a lot and hookup because we thought it’d be difficult to have a relationship at different schools. I honestly would’ve been his girlfriend if he wanted me to be, but I went along with it. We’d bring each other as dates to all of our sorority and fraternity formals, my friends knew him, his friends knew me, we basically had a relationship without the title.

That summer we agreed we’d hangout when we went home (because we were from the same town and went to high school together). I reached out and never heard from him the entire summer. The first week of school rolls up and guess who texts me to stay over for a weekend at his new off campus house. You haven’t said a word to me all summer and now you want me to spend the weekend having sex with you? No thanks.” — Steph, 23

12. When he finally reached out, it was to ask if I’d been tested for STDs recently…

“Back in my single days, this very handsome journalist dude I’d been flirting with for YEARS on and off finally asked me to go out with him on New Year’s Eve. We went to a very cool party at some rich dude’s loft in Soho. By the time we slept together, around 3am on New Year’s Day, we were really drunk and made the mistake of not using a condom. Since I reallllllly liked him and trusted that he was a quality human, I wasn’t TOO worried. In fact, I figured we’d one day laugh at our recklessness. You know, on our six month anniversary, maybe? Unfortunately, I didn’t hear from him for an entire week after we hooked up. When he finally reached out, it was to ask whether or not I’d been tested for STDs recently. A fair question, maybe. But it all felt pretty rude at the time. I took great pride in going to get tested the next day and mailing him a hard copy of the results.” — Melanie, 34

13. I dropped his action figure…

“I met him at a bar and had every intention of this just being a one and done type deal. He took me back to his apartment, showed me to his bedroom, and he had all these collectible action figures that were apparently really important to him. I ACCIDENTALLY dropped one when I picked it up, and he freaked the fuck out. He said I scratched it and immediately told me to leave. I apologized and he opened his bedroom door and gestured me out, no words.” — Stacey, 25

14. He promised me a concert and then just never answered…

“I went to high school with him. I hadn’t talked to him all of college, or even after. About one year post-grad I got an awesome writing gig. One day he Facebook messages me saying that he loves my articles and thinks what I’m doing is really cool. I give him my number, we start texting day and night  for like 2 weeks. He asks if I’d like to hangout and because we were vibing so well I said sure. He asked me out to dinner one night in his neighborhood of the city, we talked the entire dinner about art and our shared passions and it was actually pretty awesome. I went back to his place, had sex with him, slept over, he made me a bangin breakfast the next morning like full on greek omelette with feta and olives. He invited me to a concert that he had tickets to the following week, and I said I’d love to go. He kissed me goodbye and I didn’t hear from him for about 3 days. So I texted him. No response. I texted him the day of the concert, still no response. He hasn’t talked to me since.” — Jamie, 28 Thought Catalog Logo Mark