God & Man

This Is Why You’re Terrified Of Falling In Love, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Capricorn: You're terrified of falling in love because you think love is reckless, and often times it is.


God & Man


(March 21st to April 19th)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you’re worried whoever it is might try to change your normally energetic, spontaneous, adventurous self and make you a whole lot more boring. You hate being controlled, and you think being in a relationship means doing the same things all the time with the same person, but when you find someone you truly love you’ll realize that’s not the case. You can be in a relationship and still have fun.


(April 20th to May 21st)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you’ve been hurt before and you can’t seem to let anyone close enough to hurt you that badly again. You gave your heart away and everyone so far has broken it, but if you don’t muster up the courage to let that guard down and try again, you’ll never find the love you were originally looking for.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

You’re terrified of falling in love because whenever you’re with someone you have no idea whether or not they’re ‘right’ for you. You don’t stay in relationships for very long because you thrive with change, and when things remain the same you don’t know how to deal, so you leave.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you care so deeply for people and you wonder how anyone will ever care that deeply for you in return. You like to go out of your way to make your loved ones happy, but they don’t always do the same for you, and when you expect them to you end up disappointed. You’re scared that not everyone you fall for will turn out to be who you expected them to be.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you think it might hinder your independence. You like to take control of your own life and you think being in a relationship means relinquishing most of that control. Being in a relationship doesn’t make you dependent, it just means you have someone to share your life with.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you think you’re not good enough, and you think it will only be a matter of time before your partner figures that out. You’re not the best at communicating how you feel, and you think if you do express how you really feel you’ll scare anyone who comes near you away. There’s someone out there who will not only think you’re good enough, but that you’re every little thing they’ve been looking for all along.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you don’t know how you’d survive if they left you. You’re usually the one to leave. Loneliness is your greatest fear, and falling in love with someone doesn’t guarantee they’ll stay with you forever, so you leave before they ever get the chance. You only want a love that’s forever, and it’s harder than you thought to find it.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you don’t know how to trust someone more than you trust yourself. You want a partner who will be as open and honest as you are with them, but just like you have a hard time trusting, some people have a hard time opening up.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you worry someone will try to keep you in one place, and you’ve never been good at standing still. You want to see the world, meet new people, taste new food, swim in new oceans, and you’re scared that if you fall in love you won’t be able to do that.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you think love is reckless, and often times it is. You’re responsible and your life has always been kept in a straight line, and you’re scared that love will make it one giant scribble, but love won’t reck your life, it will just change it.


(January 21st to February 18th)

You’re terrified of falling in love because you worry love might make you think differently. You’re an intellect and you only have deep, meaningful conversations, and you’re scared that love will make you lose all of your senses. Love will make you think differently, but it won’t make you stupid.


(February 19th to March 20th)

You’re terrified of falling in love because every time you’ve experienced it before and it didn’t last, you dismissed it as fake. You worry you’ll never find a love that’s real. You fall in love often, but you look back at the short term relationships you’ve had and think that you weren’t truly in love, but just because the relationship didn’t last, doesn’t mean the love there wasn’t real. You’ve found real love before, and you’ll find it again. Thought Catalog Logo Mark