God & Man

This Is Why You’re Giving Up On Love, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aries: You're giving up on love because no one can keep up with you.


God & Man


(March 21st to April 19th)

You’re giving up on love because no one can keep up with you. You’ve dated tons of people on tons of different mediums from all walks of life. You’ve dated artists, engineers, entrepreneurs, baristas. You’ve dated online, offline, you’ve even dated someone your grandmother suggested, but you just haven’t found someone who makes your life more interesting than it already is, and that’s the only type of person in your mind worth settling down for.


(April 20th to May 21st)

You’re giving up on love because everyone you date breaks your heart, but it’s because you’re not fully letting them in, and they eventually leave because of it. You self-sabotage any chance you have at love by pushing others away because you’re scared they’ll ultimately hurt you. You won’t experience real love if you’re not willing to take the risks to find it.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

You’re giving up on love because you change your mind so frequently about what you want that no one can meet or satisfy your expectations. You focus so much on what you don’t have, what you haven’t experienced, what you haven’t found, that you can’t enjoy or recognize the beauty of what’s standing right in front of you. You’re giving up on love because you have perpetual FOMO when it comes to the people you date. While you’re dating one person, you think about everyone else you could be dating who’s ‘better.’


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

You’re giving up on love because you’re waiting for your childhood friend, high school sweetheart, or someone from your past to realize the two of you are meant to be together. They currently are in a serious relationship, or living halfway across the world, but you’re convinced one day they’ll make it back to you, and you’re willing to wait it out until they do.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

You’re giving up on love because the amount of love you have for yourself is plenty. Self-love is something you don’t lack. You don’t need reassurance or comfort from one single person, you’re confident enough to make it on your own, and you know that everyone loves you anyway.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

You’re giving up on love because you’re too careful about who you give your heart to. You know what it feels like to be hurt and heartbroken, and you’ve probably broken a couple of hearts yourself, and all of it is exhausting. The nights that pass with constant over-thinking about what went wrong, who said what, and what you could’ve changed are just too much for you, and for now you’re giving love a break because of it. You’re spent.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

You’re giving up on love because it’s not fair that the amount of love you’re willing to give, no one is willing to give back to you. You love being in relationships, but you hate being in relationships with people who don’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated. You’re giving up on love, but your fear of being alone won’t let that happen for very much longer.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

You’re giving up on love because you have a hard time trusting anyone you date. You know what a liar looks and sounds like, and you’ve convinced yourself that most of the people you date fall into that category. You’re attracted to people who let you take the lead in your relationship, but you can’t control the way they treat you, and that bothers you entirely way too much. Love sucks.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

You’re giving up on love because there are so many other things in life you’d like to experience and accomplish first. You’re ready to venture the world, but you’re not looking for love while doing it. You believe love will happen when you’re ready for it, and right now just isn’t that time.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

You’re giving up on love because it doesn’t fit into your fully booked calendar. You already have two months of weekends planned in advance and the people who want to date you aren’t willing to wait three months to take you out to dinner. Love isn’t on the list of things you wrote down in your daily planner.


(January 21st to February 18th)

You’re giving up on love because you’re sick of getting coffee or drinks or dinner with someone only to answer questions about yourself with answers they probably could’ve found on Google. You want deep conversations about life and love and what it all means. You want to discover what’s really going on inside their head, not what they like to do with their free time, and you can’t get past the phases of dating to discover any of that, which is why you’re giving up.


(February 19th to March 20th)

You’re giving up on love because you want to escape the rules of modern dating, but you can’t find someone who’s willing to do that with you. You don’t believe in waiting for someone to text you first, or not responding for one day to build suspense. You know how you feel and you feel you should act on it. Love is real to you; it’s not a game, and people’s feelings don’t deserve to be treated like it is one. You’re giving up on love until chivalry becomes a thing again, until modern dating burns to the ground and people start being honest and open about their true feelings. Thought Catalog Logo Mark