God & Man

This Is Why You Haven’t Met The Person Everyone’s Telling You To Wait For, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Taurus: You haven't met the person everyone's telling you to wait for because you have an incredibly hard time letting anyone in.


God & Man


(March 21st to April 19th)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s telling you to wait for because your energy causes you to be the epitome of impatience. You love meeting new people, making new friends, experiencing new things, and you haven’t met that one special person yet because you have the constant desire to see what else is out there, and you’re completely confident it will be better than the options you currently have.


(April 20th to May 21st)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s telling you to wait for because you have an incredibly hard time letting anyone in. Your trust is something that needs to be earned in order to be given, but you make it extremely hard for anyone to earn it. Open up, let your guard down, and finally allow that person everyone’s been telling you to wait for, in.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s telling you to wait for because you’re not sure what qualities would constitute settling. You don’t know if your expectations are too high, and you’re asking for too much, or if you’re asking for too little and haven’t found the right person because of it. You’re not exactly certain what you need from a partner and you’re not exactly certain how to balance that with what you want, because you won’t always get what you want, but you should never settle for less than you need or deserve.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s telling you to wait for because your tight-knit group of friends that you already have is enough for you. You tend to be resistant to extend your inner-circle, and you’re hesitant to let new people into it. The person everyone’s been telling you to wait for isn’t already in that inner circle, so you’re going to have to extend it eventually.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s been telling you to wait for because you like to make your own way, rather than live your life according to the way others tell you to live it. Sometimes you purposely go against what everyone else is telling you to wait for because you have more confidence in your ability and knowledge than their’s. You have no doubt in your capability of meeting someone on your own without the help from others.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s been telling you to wait for because you second guess yourself when you do something that’s outside of your comfort zone. You’re endlessly hard on yourself, and you think way too far into things, so when your friends tell you to pursue someone you clearly have an interest in (who they think is perfect for you), you go for it, but then assume the worst if things don’t go absolutely perfectly. Love doesn’t workout perfectly, there’s a lot of imperfections you just have to learn to accept.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s been telling you to wait for because you occasionally give the people who don’t deserve you a chance. It’s easy for you to be in a relationship because you are kind and compassionate and fair and that’s what the majority of people are looking for in a partner, but you are allowed to breakup with someone if they don’t make you happy. You don’t have to stay in relationships that aren’t right for you because you’re afraid of confrontation.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s been telling you to wait for because you haven’t found the person who can handle your assertiveness and not be offended or intimidated by it. You’re not being offensive towards the people you date, you’re being yourself, and you’ll wait as long as you need to find the person who understands that.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s been telling you to wait for because your infinite curiosity causes you to date as many people as you possibly can all at once. And then you’re too exhausted by your endless options to give just one person your full time and energy. You need to keep things moving and flowing, you don’t want to stand still with one person for very long. You’ll find the person who wants to keep moving with you.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s been telling you to wait for because you’re afraid of attempting to fit someone into the routine you’ve already made suitable for your single lifestyle. You live your life on time and as planned, and throwing someone into the mix might mess that balance up. You haven’t met your person because you’re reluctant to give up control.


(January 21st to February 18th)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s been telling you to wait for because you’re tired of meeting people who you have no meaningful connection with. You want relationships that are life-changing and impactful, but you’re going to have to meet a few (or more) people who are completely wrong for you before you find the right one. You’ve been kissing frogs, but you have to keep hoping that the prince or princess will walk into your life sooner than later.


(February 19th to March 20th)

You haven’t met the person everyone’s been telling you to wait for because you’re too busy following your dreams and pursuing your passions to spend any time and effort on love or relationships. If you find someone you enjoy along the path of following your dreams, then great, but you’re not going to put your aspirations on hold in the pursuit of love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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