
The Gift That Will Make Her Fall In Love With You Based On Her Zodiac Sign

An Aries girl doesn't want a necklace, she wants an adventure. Give her something she can experience, not wear.




(March 21st to April 19th)

An Aries girl doesn’t want a necklace, she wants an adventure. Give her something she can experience, not wear. Get her concert tickets to an artist she’s been dying to see, take her indoor skydiving (or outdoor if you’re feeling really adventurous), do something with her that she will not only be excited about, but that she’ll remember forever.


(April 20th to May 21st)

A Taurus woman loves romance, and she also likes luxury. To make her fall in love with you give her something that exudes sophistication. Take her to a fancy restaurant where she can wear a sexy dress, or pop an expensive bottle of bubbly with her Christmas morning and serve her mimosas in bed. Give her something she’ll be impressed by.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

She is very communicative so to give her something that will make her fall in love with you, all you really have to do is listen. If she doesn’t tell you what she wants for the holidays, a Gemini usually likes something she’ll make use of. Money would be perfect for her because she can spend it any way she wants, but if you’re trying to be a bit more romantic, just think about what she enjoys doing. If she’s obsessed with coffee buy her a monthly coffee subscription, if she enjoys hiking the great outdoors give her some cool hiking gear, a Gemini will appreciate any gift that goes to good use.


(June 21st to July 22nd)

The Cancer woman loves her family and friends, and she also loves staying in. Basically what the Cancer woman wants for the holidays, is you. Snuggle up on the couch, and watch a classic holiday movie with some (spiked) hot cocoa. That’s the best gift a Cancer girl could ask for.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

The Leo woman loves expensive things that she can show off to all of her friends. She won’t fall in love with the man who gives her a kiss for Christmas, she wants something tangible, and preferably name-brand. You might have to break your budget, but the Leo woman will be worth it.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

A Virgo woman prefers a gift that is practical, not pricey. She wants a gift that you put thought into, she doesn’t care how expensive it is. Write her something that shows her how much she means to you, take her to the place you first met, give her something meaningful. When the Virgo woman says she doesn’t want you to buy her anything for the holidays, she means it.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

The Libra woman loves to look nice. Give her something she can wear on a date with you and feel beautiful in, and make sure you tell her she looks beautiful when she does.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

The Scorpio woman loves to be a mystery, so she definitely won’t tell you what she wants for the holidays. She wants to see what kind of gift you give her all on your own, no pressure. Give the Scorpio woman a gift that she’s not expecting.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

Give the Sagittarius woman something that enables her exploration. She loves to travel so any gift that helps her get to her next desired destination will be greatly appreciated.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

The Capricorn woman is low-key and low-maintenance. She doesn’t need to be romantically swept off her feet with red roses and chocolate covered strawberries. She wants a gift she can use, and use often. Not a gift that wilts or gets eaten in one sitting.


(January 21st to February 18th)

Aquarius women are intellectuals. Give her a gift that makes her think and stimulates her mind, something she can have deep and meaningful conversations about with other people. This will most likely come in the form of a book, or a super intriguing documentary with really smart scientists.


(February 19th to March 20th)

The Pisces woman is extremely empathetic. She appreciates a gift that evokes feeling. Hand-write her a meaningful card, make her something from scratch. She will understand how much effort you put in, so anything you make or create yourself, she will absolutely love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark