
17 Married Men Reveal Exactly How They Changed After Finding ‘The One’

"I used to think a compromise was just surrendering what you want, but it's taking someone else's wants and needs into consideration rather than just your own."



1. “My wife teaches me generosity in new ways every single day. And I mean selfless generosity, not the kind that you do just to make yourself feel good. Her kindness inspires me to be a better person.” —Jared, 29


2. “Patience. When you do almost everything with one other person, patience is something you learn easily.” —Mario, 28


3. “Honestly, I think I’ve become a lot better in bed. I thought marriage would kill our sex life. It’s made it sooo much better. Marriage is the ultimate comfort zone, and when you have that you’re willing to try anything…ANYTHING.” —Nile, 30


4. “I think marriage has taught me the meaning of compromise. I used to think a compromise was just surrendering what you want, but it’s taking someone else’s wants and needs into consideration rather than just your own.” —Kevin, 31


5. “My personal hygiene has made a complete 180. I shower more, I shave more, I wear underwear that is actually clean more, just everything to do with me and my body is cleanlier.” —Bryan, 29


6. “Acceptance. Not just for my wife, but for life in general. She’s helped me embrace rolling with the punches.” —Diego, 27


7. “I eat healthier. I now know the difference between arugula and spinach.” —Jimmy, 27


8. “Less beer…and whiskey, which surprisingly has made me feel better not worse.” —Carl, 28


9. “I think I’ve become less insecure. Like you have this person who wants to be with you forever, and it makes you feel really loved in a way you’ve never felt before. It’s different in a good way.” —Michael, 29


10. “I don’t think marriage has changed me that drastically. My wife and I were together for 10 years before getting married, so we pretty much did any growing and changing before making the huge commitment, which I think helped in every way possible. We completely knew the other person, there were no surprises that made us think, ‘Shit who did I marry?'” —Alex, 36


11. “Finances. I’m way more aware of how much I’m spending and how often. We share money, and we have our own, so the shared money you learn to not squander on pointless shit that I would if it were completely mine.” —Teddy, 30


12. “My friends suddenly think I have all the answers to their relationship questions just because I’m married. I’m a husband, not a relationship coach.” —Nico, 26


13. “We hangout with our couple friends more than our single friends, and if we are hanging out with our single friends it’s alone, not together. That third wheel dynamic is just as terrible as it sounds.” —Vincent, 28


14. “Balance, between work, friends, family, and my wife you get really good at learning how to spread yourself evenly rather than all on one slice, if you know what I mean.” —Charlie, 29


15. “I’ve learned that the little things actually do matter. Whether it’s picking up my towel off the bathroom floor, or leaving enough coffee in the pot so she can take a cup to work too, the little things add up, and she DOES notice them.” —Anthony, 31


16. “I think the most important way I’ve changed since getting married is my ability to admit when I’m wrong. Humility. Before marriage I don’t think humble was a way I’d describe myself.” —Marc, 29


17. “I’ve realized how rare it is to find someone who you feel incredibly lucky to be with, and how much rarer it is that this person feels just as lucky to be with you. My wife is the most incredible person I know, and everyday I’m so thankful that I get to spend the rest of my life with her.” —Patrick, 30 Thought Catalog Logo Mark