
17 Women Reveal The Little Things Their Boyfriend Does That They Think Are So Damn Sexy

"When he plays with my dog, he's as sexy as can be."



1. “When he looks at himself in the mirror he does this little scowl to make sure he looks good…he does.” —Danielle, 24


2. “When he washes his car, he gets really into it, like wants to make it really clean, and there’s just something about his concentration that kinda turns me on.” —Aubree, 24


3. “He’s got these one pair of jeans that make his butt look so cute. Whenever he wears them I just want to squeeze his tush.” —Lauren, 25


4. “One weekend we had to repaint the walls in our bedroom, and strangely enough I thought he looked so sexy with a paint roller.” —Valentina, 26


5. “He does this thing with his lips whenever he thinks he’s right about something (even though I know he’s wrong), and as mad and heated as I get in the argument, his little lip snarl is just so friggen cute.” —Katie, 25


6. “I practically die when he rubs his beard. I’m definitely a beard lover.” —Sarah, 25


7. “Him in a black cotton V neck, fuck me now.” —Lacey, 24


8. “Sometimes after he kisses me he just smiles, like kissing me makes him happy or something. It’s sexy and cute at the same time.” —Cecily, 26


9. “I love it when he pushes his hair behind both ears. He always does it when he’s about to say something important. Every time I’m anticipating what he’s going to say.” —Sophie, 25


10. “There’s something sexy about him in an apron. Even if he’s grilling and still trying to be ‘manly’ he has the apron on and it just humanizes him. I like it.” —Lisa, 27


11. “When he’s talking about something that really matters to him, he’s sexy. It’s sexy to be passionate about something, anything.” —Carrie, 26


12. “Personally I think my boyfriend is sexy all the time, but he’s super sexy when he holds a baby. He held my nephew when he was first born and my heart exploded.” —Dana, 27


13. “He just started learning guitar, and when he practices, damn. Even though he’s not good yet, it’s just sexy to see him learn something new, and care about it.” —Veronica, 25


14. “I love seeing him come out of the shower in a towel. I think most girls would say that’s sexy.” —Karen, 26


15. “When he plays with my dog, he’s as sexy as can be.” —Ally, 26


16. “When we brush our teeth together it’s almost like some weird type of foreplay. It’s like okay, getting ready for bed, where we’ll most likely cuddle and feel each other and then probably have sex. Plus he’s just cute when he brushes his teeth.” —Sierra, 25


17. “I love it when he wears fedoras. I know that sounds so weird, but he’s probably one of the only guys I will ever think looks sexy in a hat that looks like it came from my grandfather’s closet.” —Morgan, 26 Thought Catalog Logo Mark