
17 Men Reveal The Little Things Their Girlfriend Does That Make Them Feel Loved (That Most Women Overlook)

"She hugs me when I'm frustrated. Even if I'm cursing up a storm and being an asshole and seem totally unapproachable, she'll try."



1. “When I have a really shitty day she always says, ‘Well, I still love you.’ It’s the affirmation I need at the exact moment I need it.” —Will, 27


2. “She hugs me when I’m frustrated. Even if I’m cursing up a storm and being an asshole and seem totally unapproachable, she’ll try.” —Shawn, 28


3. “My girlfriend leaves me little notes occasionally when she leaves for work in the morning. Just little things like ‘I love you,’ and as soft as this makes me sound, they make me smile.” —Kevin, 28


4. “I love it when she tries to look nice for me. I tell her she’s beautiful all the time, whether all done up or not, but when she tries, I do notice, and I appreciate it.” —Jake, 27


5. “She says ‘Goodnight, I love you’ to me every single night. That’s it. I once asked her why, and she told me it’s because she wants to make sure I end the day knowing that she loves me.” —Pete, 28


6. “Forehead kisses. Yes, I’m a grown man, and completely willing to admit I enjoy them.” —Greg, 29


7. “Not really something she does, but she’s not jealous. Even if I do look at another girl, she knows she’s the girl I love. I love that about her.” —Darren, 27


8. “If I’m grumpy or something she’ll cook in her underwear. Instantly cures my bad mood and makes me smile.” —James, 26


9. “She calls my mom when it’s been too long, even though we both know my mom will keep her on the phone for hours. She does it because it makes my mom feel good, and that shows me she loves me.” —Ryan, 29


10. “She says ‘I love you,’ first. The guy doesn’t always have to say it first. She says it when she wants to. It makes me feel loved and shows that she actually does love me.” —Justin, 26


11. “If I have a tough day at work, and I come home and just want to be a lazy fuck (for lack of a better word) she doesn’t get all mad about it. She just accepts I had a tough day, and goes about her night like she usually does.” —Colin, 27


12. “When she sends me sexts at work. It’s not just hot, it’s actually thoughtful if you really think about it.” —Karl, 27


13. “When she goes to the grocery store and comes back with my favorite candy. Sounds dumb, but it lets me know she’s thinking about me.” —Alex, 25


14. “Even just packing leftovers for me from the night before so I can take them to work. It shows she’s thinking about me.” —Brody, 28


15. “She invites me places even when she doesn’t necessarily want me to go. Like out with her girlfriends and stuff. Not like I will ever go out with her and her girlfriends alone, but the fact that she asks, makes me feel good.” —Javi, 26


16. “Her trust. She lets me do things without her and won’t be texting me non-stop the entire time. She tells me to have fun, and she means it.” —Ken, 29


17. “She never underestimates me. She always believes in me.” —Mark, 28 Thought Catalog Logo Mark