
This Is The Kind Of Girlfriend I Promise To Be

I can't promise you I'll be the perfect girlfriend, and I can't promise you I'll be everything you want me to be, but I can promise you that I will be myself.



I can’t promise you I’ll be the perfect girlfriend, and I can’t promise you I’ll be everything you want me to be, but I can promise you that I will be myself.

I can’t promise you that I’ll be the kind of girlfriend who won’t get upset, that you won’t occasionally drive me crazy, or that I won’t cry for stupid reasons, but I can promise to tell you what’s on my mind rather than hold it in. I promise to let you know when something upsets me, to communicate, to talk about it until we reach a resolution, until each of us can be happy with the outcome.

I can’t promise you that I’ll be the kind of girlfriend who caters to your every need, that I will clean up after you, cook delicious food for you, make all of your problems disappear, but I can promise you that I will be there when you need me the most. I promise to be there when you feel like no one else is.

I can’t promise you that I’ll be the kind of girlfriend who showers you with affection constantly, that sometimes I just ‘won’t be in the mood,’ that every time you want my body I’ll give it to you, but I can promise you that I will make you feel loved. I promise to make you feel wanted, to reach for your hand not only when I feel like you need it, but in moments when I simply want you to know that I care. I promise to give you the love that you deserve.

I can’t promise you that I’ll be the kind of girlfriend who remembers everything you tell me to, that I won’t forget to lock your apartment door, or to water the one plant you have, but I can promise you that I’ll remember the important things. I promise to remember the things that matter to you, the things you tell me when you’re being vulnerable. I promise to remember your hopes and aspirations, your fears and your worries, the things that make you happy, and the things that make you sad.

I can’t promise you that we’ll last forever, that I can see into your future, and I see myself in it, but I can promise you that I will do everything and anything to make sure our happiness never disappears, whether it is with each other or without. I promise that the kind of girlfriend I am right now is due to the love I have for you in this moment, and that whether or not this love lasts, I’ll remember it.

I promise I will take it with me, will continue to learn from it, from this love that I’m promising to give whether it’s for forever or just for now. I will remember the girlfriend I promised to be, and I will remember you, the one who made me want to make these promises and keep them. Thought Catalog Logo Mark