13 Men Reveal The Reason They Call Their Ex ‘Crazy’

"She tried to sink my jet ski, unsuccessful, but she tried."


Tony Ciampa
Tony Ciampa
Tony Ciampa

1. “84 missed calls and 23 voicemails. Yeah. Crazy.” —Charlie, 28


2. “Not my ex, but I went out with a girl my friend set me up with, and on our first date she knew my brother and sister’s name. It’s not so much that she stalked me on Facebook, it’s the fact that she couldn’t even conceal that she did.” —Mike, 27


3. “After two dates, she brought up the ‘so what are we conversation.’ Unless you have God’s vagina, two dates is way too soon for me to only commit to you.” —Robert, 25


4. “She was on the phone with her friend and was talking about how she stopped taking her birth control…except she didn’t tell ME about it.” —Harrison, 26


5. “She was convinced I wanted to fuck my best friend (who’s a girl). She purposely became close with her just to make sure it never happened. I basically couldn’t hangout with my best friend without my girlfriend being there.” —Jack, 27


6. “She was way too into BDSM. I’m all for role play and shit, but when she took the whip out I was like, ‘oh fuck.'” —Stephan, 26


7. “She faked a pregnancy to get me to stay with her. I found fucking tampons in her trash can and was like WTF are these? Pretty sure you don’t need those when you’re pregnant.” —Andrew, 26


8. “Baby fever. I can’t handle that shit. I’m 25, not 35.” —Pat, 25


9. “She was an angry drunk. Real angry, fists through the wall angry.” —Wesley, 25


10. “She drove my motorcycle without asking. She doesn’t even have a motorcycle license.” —Bryan, 26


11. “She got my sister involved in all of our fights. She’d call her, text her, message her on Facebook, all complaining about things I did. First, I’m her brother, she’s not going to side with you. Second, my sister doesn’t want to hear about her brother’s relationship problems.” —Christopher, 25


12. “I wouldn’t answer her calls the night we broke up (because she’s crazy), so she called my parent’s house phone…repetitively. What are we, in elementary school? They don’t want to talk to your crazy ass either.” —Antonio, 26


13. “She tried to sink my jet ski, not successful, but she tried.” —Jon, 25 Thought Catalog Logo Mark