18 Women Share The Most Frustrating Part About Being Female That Men Will Never Understand (But Should)
"If we're emotional, everyone automatically assumes we're on our period. Like I'm allowed to cry and have feelings when I'm not menstruating."

1. “If I dress a certain way I’m supposedly asking for attention. I’m not asking for attention when I wear a skin tight dress. I feel sexy, and good about myself. It has nothing to do with anyone else.” —Jillian, 25
2. “It’s considered dangerous when I do things alone. I’m a capable human being who can be cautious and aware of her surroundings, and I’m also not helpless in compromising situations.” —Daniella, 26
3. “If we’re emotional, everyone automatically assumes we’re on our period. Like I’m allowed to cry and have feelings when I’m not menstruating.” —Val, 24
4. “When men complain about wearing condoms do they realize we have to take a pill every fucking day at the same fucking time that completely fucks with our hormones when we do? Yeah, stop complaining. I have no sympathy that you have to wrap your dick in a piece of latex.” —Kiera, 25
5. “When I become more quiet than usual because I’m in a room full of men.” —Hannah, 23
6. “I think the simple fact that when I have success everyone assumes it’s because of my appearance. I didn’t get my job because of the way I look, I got it because I’m talented, and I’m willing to work hard. I know my breasts are pretty great, but they had nothing to do with the success of my career.” —Madison, 29
7. “I am paranoid men are paranoid that I’m crazy. Like they are waiting for me to have a bad day so they can be like yupppp crazy.” —Christine, 30
8. “Feeling like you have to put exclamation points or smiley faces into emails or people will think you’re a bitch but THEN you question if you seem like you aren’t genuine if you actually like including those things. It’s a constant struggle of not being too nice, but not too direct (not just in email, but in life).” —Kendra, 26
9. “When other people think it’s an insult to say I’m menopausal. I’m proud of my age, and the fact that I’m a woman. And the menstrual cycle isn’t exactly a picnic, so the fact that I won’t have it anymore is not problematic in my mind.” —Anette, 49
10. “I’m always worried I’m being too sexy in situations where it’s not appropriate.” —Allison, 27
11. “Birth control either makes you an emotional head case, or it makes you gain 20 lbs, and when a man complains that I’m either getting fat or being a bitch, the only other option would be a baby, so shut the fuck up and deal with my overweight moodiness, or prepare to be a father.” —Elise, 27
12. “I constantly worry that the number of people I’ve slept with is entirely too high. I feel like that’s something men don’t really have to worry about, or are at least not judged by. I’ve lied to numerous people about my number, and I shouldn’t have to.” —Julie, 28
13. “I’m tired of people giving me that look when I say I don’t want children, like I’m some kind of narcissistic monster who has no empathy.” —Melissa, 30
14. “I resent the fact that men don’t have to take birth control. I’m over here testing out every pill possible like a damn lab rat, just to feel somewhat normal while preventing a child I have no means to take care of. If they can make female birth control they can most certainly make male birth control.” —Kelly, 25
15. “I hate that when I say I’m voting for Hillary people just assume it’s because I’m a woman and so is she.” —Natasha, 24
16. “Just because I’m artsy doesn’t mean I’m not good at math. Not all women suck at math. In fact it takes a mathematical mind to determine color analysis, sizing, proportions, trends and an overall skill to analyze. Artsy females know how to “see” and analyze life.” —Tina, 29
17. “Being judged on your weight. I’m thin. I eat healthy. I workout. I’m not anorexic or bulimic.” —Sara, 25
18. “I think the hardest part about being a woman is constantly comparing yourself to other women. Even if you don’t want to, or don’t mean to, you inherently do it, and it’s as if you can only see what they have that you don’t, and then you can’t appreciate all that you DO have.” —Erin, 26