
19 Men Reveal Exactly What They Think Makes A Woman Beautiful

"A woman is beautiful when she isn't afraid to be herself. When she's not ashamed of her quirks, and not only openly admits to them, but accepts them."



1. “What makes a woman beautiful is confidence. If she looks like she doesn’t like herself, she will make everyone around her feel the same way.” —Gerry, 25


2. “A woman is beautiful when she isn’t afraid to be herself. When she’s not ashamed of her quirks, and not only openly admits to them, but accepts them as a part of who she is, that’s beautiful.” —Paul, 27


3. “A woman who’s beautiful is more than just physically attractive. She’s intellectually attractive. She’s emotionally attractive. When you find a beautiful woman, yes you can’t keep your eyes off of her, but you also always want to be around her because she’s that intriguing.” —Tim, 26


4. “A big ass. I’m an ass man.” —Brandon, 27


5. “Sounds extremely corny, but her smile. That’s the first thing I notice about a girl, and you can tell a lot about her personality from her smile. If it’s fake, she’s fake.” —Alex, 24


6. “I think what makes a woman beautiful is her optimism. I love a woman who has a continuous positive energy. She doesn’t have to always be happy, but when she is experiencing hardship and can still see a silver lining, that’s beautiful.” —Zack, 26


7. “Her eyes. I’m a sucker for big blue ones.” —Daniel, 23


8. “I think her beauty comes from whatever makes her unique. Whether it is physical or not, but whatever makes her different is what makes her stand out from the rest, and I think it’s beautiful to be different.” —Justin, 26


9. “She’s beautiful when she gets super heated about something she’s passionate about. A girl who gets heated is hot.” —Miguel, 24


10. “You know what makes a woman beautiful? When she cooks me dinner.” —Tucker, 25


11. “Dimples when she smiles. They’re so endearing. They make me want to be her friend…and more.” —Chris, 25


12. “I think women are beautiful when they have the ability to understand certain things you can’t even understand about yourself. My girlfriend understands me.” —Luke, 24


13. “What makes a woman beautiful is the way she takes care of herself. If she doesn’t take care of herself she doesn’t care about herself.” —Ryan, 25


14. “I think a woman who accepts her body the way it is, is beautiful. You can tell when she’s uncomfortable in her own skin. That’s not beautiful.” —Patrick, 25


15. “Breasts are beautiful. Preferably larger ones.” —Kyle, 27


16. “I love the way my girlfriend’s eyes crinkle when she smiles. It means she’s happy, and when she’s happy she’s beautiful.” —Anthony, 26


17. “Intelligence. Her outer beauty won’t last. She’s going to get wrinkly, her body parts will sag, but her intelligence will always be there. Kevin, 25 


18. “A strong woman is beautiful, not physically, but mentally. If she can stand up for herself and her beliefs, that’s pretty kickass.” —Marcus, 27


19. “My wife’s laugh is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I will never get tired of hearing it.” —Nate, 29 Thought Catalog Logo Mark