
16 Women Describe What They Love About Themselves (Because It’s Okay To Be A Woman And Like Yourself)

"That I'm annoyingly curious. If I didn't ask so many questions, I wouldn't be where I am today."



1. “I love that I can say I’m happy with who I am. It took me a while to get to that point, and I’m proud that I can say I’m finally here.” —Elise, 26


2. “I love my laugh. It’s weird, but that’s what I love about it. No one has my laugh but me, and when you hear it you know it’s mine.” —Meghan, 24


3. “Honestly, I have great boobs. They’re not too big or too small, and they’re my favorite part about my body. They’re perfect.” —Leah, 25


4. “That I’m annoyingly curious. If I didn’t ask so many questions, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” —Miranda, 27


5. “My one dimple. Some people have symmetrical dimples on each cheek, but I just have it on the one side, and I love it. It makes me different, it makes me asymmetrical.” —Val, 24


6. “I would say the fact that I’m unfiltered, and in today’s world I think that’s pretty rare. I’m not afraid to say what’s on my mind, and I am who I am whether you like it or not.” —Jamie, 28


7. “I’m extremely organized. In my life, there is a place for everything, makes me seem like I have my shit together, which in a way I kind of do.” —Carly, 25


8. “My hair. I mean everyone else loves it, but that’s not why I love it. I love it because I can change it whenever I want, however I want. My hair changes according to what mood I’m in.” —Zara, 26


9. “I’m a very determined person. I rarely ever quit something. If I start it, I finish it.” —Lauren, 26


10. “My legs. They’re long and lanky and make me 100% un-athletic, but they get me from point A to point B and they look flawless in a pair of Levis.” —Nora, 24


11. “I have the prettiest feet on the planet. Like I should be a foot model that’s how beautiful my feet are. I’m the type of girl who doesn’t even need to get pedicures.” —Cheyenne, 24


12. “That I’m in a male-dominated industry and can still hold my own.” —Jill, 27


13. “I like my eyes. They’re big and buggish looking, but they’re the reason why I always look wide-awake.” —Melanie, 23


14. “My style. I definitely know how to dress myself, it does suck though because my friends are constantly borrowing my clothes.” —Kylie, 25


15. “I think I’m pretty witty. If anyone ever makes fun of me I’ve always got a comeback, probably because I have 4 older brothers, but still.” —Paulina, 25


16. “I have a pretty awesome smile. Thank god for braces.” —Morgan, 24 Thought Catalog Logo Mark