18 Women Reveal The Questions They’re Too Scared To Ask Their Boyfriends But Still Want To Know The Answers To
"If it bothers him that I make more money than he does...Living in a modern world with old-fashioned insecurities."

1. “What he really thinks of me with no makeup on. He tells me I’m beautiful, but really? That unconcealed zit is beautiful to you? I don’t think so.” —Melissa, 24
2. “If it bothers him that I make more money than he does…Living in a modern world with old-fashioned insecurities.” —Jillian, 27
3. “If he’s ever fucked an ex after they’ve already broken up. If he has I’d question whether he’d do it again (while dating me).” —Marissa, 23
4. “What he’d change about my body if he could. Not sure I even want to know the answer, but I’m very curious as to how he’d respond.” —Cait, 26
5. “If I gave him the chance, would he have sex with other women? It’s most likely a yes, but I’m hoping he’d say no.” —Joanna, 24
6. “If he’s ever going to propose. I don’t want to ask because then he’ll really never do it.” —Morgan, 27
7. “How he really feels about my cooking. I can’t tell if he likes the taste, or just the fact that I’m trying.” —Ally, 25
8. “If he notices my weight gain. If he can’t see that 5 extra lbs than I’m having dessert more often.” —Kellianne, 26
9. “How many times a week he’d want to have sex if I was willing to do it whenever. I’m curious as to if he’s truly as horny as he says he is.” —Hayley, 24
10. “Why he wants to vote for Donald Trump. I’m too exhausted with his political views to argue, but seriously, what are you thinking?!” —Liz, 26
11. “Whether or not he’s ever thought about me as his wife. Not to sound conceited, but I feel like he definitely has.” —Mika, 25
12. “What him and his friends talk about when I’m not around. Probably the same unfiltered crap they talk about when I am around.” —Cassie, 24
13. “How my vagina compares to the other girls he’s slept with. Yes, my insecurity is showing.” —Erin, 23
14. “If he ever jerks off to the nudes I sent him. I don’t know if I’m too embarrassed to ask the question, or too embarrassed to know the answer.” —Lisa, 24
15. “How long he thinks our relationship will last. If it’s not for long, I’d be thoroughly insulted.” —Victoria, 25
16. “I’d love to know if he wishes his penis was bigger. I can’t ask him though because he’ll think I’m implying that I wished it was bigger.” —Nichole, 26
17. “If he has ever thought about being with another man. I think about other women all the time, I feel like men do the same thing, but are just too scared to admit it.” — Brianne, 24
18. “If he actually enjoys the taste of whiskey, or if he just drinks it to be more manly.” —Tina, 25