Twenty20 / marcobertoliphotography

15 Women Reveal Their Biggest Dating Deal Breakers

"I don't like a guy who drinks too much. It's okay to enjoy yourself, but if you're drinking your face off during the work week, and calling me wasted when you do it, I want nothing to do with you."


Twenty20 / marcobertoliphotography
Twenty20 / marcobertoliphotography

1. “I can’t date someone who lies. Honesty is probably the single most important quality in any relationship, and if he isn’t honest I will absolutely not date him.” —Lydia, 25


2. “If more than 75% of his body is covered in tattoos it’s too much for me. I can appreciate some wearable art, but when I can’t see the freckles on your skin because every inch of you is covered in ink, I’m like no.” —Tara, 24


3. “If he dresses like a dad, I can’t even. 25 year olds don’t wear khaki colored chordoroys. Unless you’ve got a mini van full of little kids in soccer cleats, I don’t want you dressing like you shop at Boscov’s.” —Jenn, 25


4. “He has to be taller than me. I’m not like a skyscraper (I’m 5’8″), but I don’t want to feel like I’m towering over him. At least three inches. If I’m being completely honest 6 feet is ideal.” —Dana, 24


5. “I don’t like a guy who drinks too much. It’s okay to enjoy yourself, but if you’re drinking your face off during the work week, and calling me wasted when you do it, I want nothing to do with you.” —Alex, 26


6. “I can’t date a guy who won’t pay for me occasionally. Not saying he has to do it every single time, but when I’m paying for our dinner dates more often than he is, that’s just not fair.” —Ana Maria, 23


7. “This sounds horrible, but I could never date a guy with a kid. I’m not ready to be a mom, and certainly not for a child that isn’t biologically mine. And as much as I hate to admit it, I’d probably be jealous of all the attention his child gets that I don’t.” —Lisa, 24


8. “My mom and dad have to like him. If he isn’t Mom approved, he isn’t Me approved either.” —Natalya, 25


9. “He has to have good style. It’s something that’s intuitive, he either has it or he doesn’t. And my deal breaker is he MUST have it.” —Melanie, 26


10. “I can’t weigh more than him. I don’t want to feel like I’m crushing him when we have sex, and I also don’t want to feel his bones. That’s not hot or comfortable.” —Veronica, 24


11. “Jealousy is a deal breaker. If my having guy friends makes him uncomfortable, see ya later! Those are his own insecurities he has to deal with.” —Carlie, 26


12. “He has to be good in bed. It will benefit both of us. I will be much less cranky and he will never have to be worried about me not wanting to fuck him.” —Liz, 24


13. “I can’t deal with a guy who constantly needs to be touching me. PDA is one thing but when your hand is magnetic to my ass, it’s like enough already! I need a little room to breathe.” —Rachael, 23


14. “I won’t date divorced guys. It shows they’re not committed, plus they probably have all types of issues from their previous marriage, and that’s a lot of baggage that I don’t necessarily feel like dealing with.” —Amber, 27


15. “Personal hygiene is extremely important. Not only will I not date you if you don’t shower, but I don’t really want to even be friends with a person who doesn’t value their personal hygiene. Your body odor can’t just be fixed with deodorant, you need soap and water occasionally, and your cologne is not masking the fact that you haven’t showered in a week.” —Meghan, 25


16. “I can’t date a guy who talks too much, especially about himself. It’s exhausting.” —Cristy, 24 Thought Catalog Logo Mark