Twenty20 / benblenner

13 Women Share Their Most Ridiculous Reasons For Breaking Up With A Partner

"His brother openly confessed that he was 'in love' with me, and they were really close so he was around ALL THE TIME. It was really awkward, and made me super uncomfortable."


Twenty20 / benblenner
Twenty20 / benblenner

1. “I once broke up with a guy because he hated showering alone. Not only was it annoying, it was just weird, like you’re a grown man, just take a damn shower by yourself, you don’t need my help. It would take me like 2 hours to straighten my hair and then he’d make me hop in the shower that same night. WTF!” —Hilary, 26


2. “One of my exes had an obsession with grooming his eyebrows. He’d legit pluck them every morning AND get them waxed. I understand if your self conscious and don’t want to look like the ugly version of Joe Jonas, but when you start to criticize my eyebrows it has gone too far.” —Claire, 24


3. “I had only been on about 4 or 5 dates with this kid, but when he finally invited me over to his place, he had stuffed animals on the bed, and I don’t mean like eclectic decorative pillows, I mean like legit stuffed animals. There was an elephant, a giraffe, I think there was even a moose. He basically had the zoo on his bed. After that night I told him I wasn’t looking for anything serious, which was partially true anyway.” —Jenna, 24


4. “I was dating a guy that I’d been seeing for about 2 months, and I was well aware that he enjoyed going out a lot. I didn’t have a problem with it, I’m always up for a good time, but one night he took me to a strip club without even telling me where we were going beforehand. I kept asking and he kept saying, ‘It’s a surprise.’ A strip club, to me, isn’t a surprise, it’s just you wanting to see naked chicks dancing around a pole. I’ve been to a few strip clubs before, but the way he went about it was so weird. If you want to take me to a strip club just tell me. Don’t pull up to the parking lot and be like, ‘Surprise.'” —Cassie, 25


5. “I dumped a guy because he told me he usually goes for ‘smaller’ girls. I didn’t dump him the second after he said it, but that was ultimately the reason why I broke up with him.” —Sam, 26


6. “I once had to break up with my boyfriend because his brother openly confessed that he was ‘in love’ with me, and they were really close so he was around ALL THE TIME, it was really awkward.” —Leah, 24


7. “He asked me to have a three some with another guy, call me prude, but I’m just not into that.” —Ally, 26


8. “One night I wasn’t answering my phone so he decided to walk to my apartment, climb up the fire escape, and knock on my window…my bedroom window. Not only did it scare the shit out of me, but I can’t deal with crazy.” —Veronica, 25


9. “He left a candle burning that was right next to my curtain and the curtain caught fire. I was like you’re an idiot, and I didn’t call him again.” —Elizabeth, 24


10. “His poops always stunk up my entire apartment, and he would poop every time he was over, like EVERY SINGLE TIME.” —Kelsey, 26


11. “We weren’t officially boyfriend girlfriend, but he saw pictures of my mom and he would always tell me how attractive she was, and jokingly I asked if he would like to date her instead, and he responded, ‘Wait, is she single?’ and he was dead serious. I didn’t continue to see him after that.” —Caroline, 25


12. “He refused to take public transportation, way too high maintenance. It would never work. The subway will not kill you, get over yourself.” —Macy, 25


13. “We were each die hard baseball fans but for different teams. It was really annoying. Our relationship wasn’t that serious, but we would get in HEATED arguments about it, and I was like OMG enough!” —Olivia, 24 Thought Catalog Logo Mark