Twenty20 / adoubleleye

12 Women Reveal How They Feel When They’re Called A Slut

"It doesn't phase me. If someone calls me a slut I basically interpret it as them saying I'm extremely comfortable with my own sexuality."


Twenty20 / adoubleleye
Twenty20 / adoubleleye

1. “It upsets me more when I’m called a slut by another woman, rather than a man. Women have it hard enough as is, we should all be sticking up for one another.” —Madi, 25


2. “It doesn’t phase me. If someone calls me a slut I basically interpret it as them saying I’m extremely comfortable with my own sexuality.” —Rachel, 25


3. “The only time I’ve been called a slut was in high school when I messed around with a boy who was ‘seeing’ a girl but not really dating her, which pretty much explains how the word has no significance.” —Erica, 24


4. “I think for adolescent girls being called a slut can be like taking a bullet, they’re emotions are fragile, and they are just discovering their sexuality, but for grown women, it really doesn’t matter. If you’re secure with who you are and what you want, a silly name that makes implications about your sex life is not going to make a negative impact on your life. It will barely make any impact at all.” —Tori, 26


5. “Sticks and stones. It doesn’t matter what names anyone else calls you, what matters is if you agree with them or not. If you know you’re not a slut then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, and if you’re willing to admit that you are a slut, than more power to you.” —Kaitlyn, 25


6. “Slut is such a stupid word. I honestly think girls use it more as playful pet names than actual insults. I don’t think anyone really takes it that seriously. WOW you called me a slut, let me go lock myself in a room and cry…no. That doesn’t happen.” —Whitney, 23


7. “It’s like Tina Fey said in Mean Girls, ‘You have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and whores.’ Tina speaks the truth. The way women treat each other just sets example for how men can treat us.” —Kristy, 24


8. “If a man calls me a slut it’s him expressing jealousy that I get laid more often than he does. Come on guys don’t be sore losers.” —Jo, 23


9. “When I was younger and called a slut by other girls it was like the world was about to end. Your reputation is everything in high school, but as soon as you get out of that environment, the word slut has less power. First of all not everyone knows your business in the real world like they do in high school. As a grown woman, if I wanted to have a one night stand every night of the week, no one would have to know except for the people I choose to tell, and obviously the people I choose to sleep with, but it’s not like one big gossip fest where you have sex with a guy and everyone is talking about it the next day in the cafeteria.” —Cheyenne, 26


10. “Honestly, being called a slut by a guy stings a little at first, and anyone who tells you different is most likely lying. It’s not like it sends you into a severe depression, but it definitely hurts. I don’t know why, it shouldn’t. Women shouldn’t care what men think about our sexuality, but deep down I think we do.” —Sara, 26


11. “Calling a girl a slut is such a lame insult. Cool, so you’re saying I have a lot of sex, and that’s something to be looked down upon? Not in my world.” —Alexa, 25


12. “When a guy calls me a slut, deep down I know he wants to sleep with me. He sees me getting with everyone else, and he’s curious as to what he’s missing.” —Courtney, 23 Thought Catalog Logo Mark