7 Signs You’re Running From Your Feelings Because You’ve Been Hurt Before
You rarely ever openly admit you 'like' someone. The moment you admit you like him, is the moment you think everything will fall apart.

1. You rarely ever openly admit you ‘like’ someone.
When your best friend asks how you feel about him, you’ll say you’re on the fence. The moment you admit you like him, is the moment you think everything will fall apart. Don’t be afraid to like someone just because you’re scared it will end the way your last relationship did.
2. When you do really like someone, you look for something to be wrong with them.
If you can’t see any red flags, don’t go looking for them because chances are they’re a figment of your imagination. You will know when something is off, and if you recognize it then it’s fine to run in the other direction, but if you’re only seeking what is wrong because you’re scared he could be right for you, you’re avoiding the way you really feel.
3. You tell people you’re not looking for a relationship.
Especially the people you’re dating. Before they even begin to think about having a relationship with you, you make it a point to tell them that is NOT what you want. You might think you don’t want a relationship, but when you meet someone that makes you wonder if you do, you might need to adjust your usual mindset. A relationship is half dependent on the other person, and if the feelings are clearly there, then why hide them? When you worry about how the relationship will end it prevents you from ever letting it begin.
4. You casually hook up with people you have no real interest in.
No interest means no attachment. Your casual hook up insures an easily said goodbye. When you begin to have feelings a goodbye begins to feel more like an absence than a simple farewell. You’d rather have unattached sex with someone you’re not into, than be left by someone you care about, but what you need to realize is not everyone will leave you.
5. You like to ‘keep your options open.’
You keeping your options open is another way of saying you’re too scared to settle on one person. It’s not because you think you’re too good for them, it’s because you’re scared you’ll eventually become unhappy without them.
6. When things don’t workout you pretend that you didn’t like them anyway.
Don’t kid yourself, you were enjoying your time when you were with them, and just because things didn’t workout doesn’t mean you have to act like you were never interested. What good are you doing yourself or any one else by refusing to acknowledge your true feelings?
7. You’re basically allergic to their feelings and emotions.
If someone you’re dating ever tells you the extent of their feelings or how much they enjoy being with you, you practically break out in hives. Don’t fear communication, there are plenty of people who would kill for their significant other to admit their feelings aloud. They’re putting themselves out there when they tell you how they feel, and they trust that you’ll listen. You’re not allergic to feelings, you’re allergic to hearing them.