15 Women Share How They Got Over Their Ex (For Good)
"I just think about our relationship as a learning experience, and I think everyone should see their exes in that way, so you can move forward and not make the same mistake twice."

1. “I completely cut him out of my life. Blocked him from my phone, so I have no idea if he has even tried calling, unfollowed him on ALL social media, and deleted every photo I had of him in my photo library. If he’s not around, I won’t think about him.” —Andrea, 23
2. “After we broke up I hooked up with multiple guys, and thought that would help. I slowly started to realize that made me miss him even more.” —Dawn, 24
3. “Honestly, I don’t believe in ‘getting over your ex.’ You shared a part of your life with them, and that part of your life won’t ever disappear. You shouldn’t ‘get over’ them, you should just keep on moving without them.” —Rachel, 25
4. “My ex was a piece of shit. The only thing I miss about him is the sex. The rest of him was not hard to get over.” —Kaitlyn, 23
5. “I have no hard feelings towards my ex whatsoever. We both still care a lot about one another, and I only ever hope the best for him. I think that really helped me get over him though. The fact that I don’t think about him negatively helps me to be a more positive person in general, and I think it has attracted more positive people towards me as well.” —Kiersten, 25
6. “It takes way too much energy to fully eliminate him from my life. He is a person, and he lives in the same world I do, his existence is inevitable.” —Greta, 27
7. “The best way to get over an ex is to replace him with someone else.” —Kate, 23
8. “Distraction. That is how I get over any ex. Usually I just drown myself in work, which is probably not the best for my love life, but hey, it’s great for my career.” —Becky, 27
9. “I got over my ex by making him regret ever dumping me. I joined a gym, got fit as hell, posted tons of photos of me and my friends looking good and having fun, and sure enough, he reached out. Him asking me out again made it so easy to move on. I don’t want to be with someone who only appreciates what they have until it’s gone. I want to be the girl who says, ‘You missed your chance, too bad,’ and I am.” —Liz, 24
10. “I tried online dating, and surprisingly met a few really great guys. It helped me get over him because I wasn’t worrying about whether or not he was thinking about me, I was worrying about how nervous I was to go on a bunch of dates with guys I only knew from photos.” —Carley, 24
11. “I feel like you never truly get over an ex. There’s always that one thing that reminds you of them, and that one moment when they pop into your head, and that’s just unavoidable. If you’re actively trying to get over them, it means you’re not.” —Mia, 26
12. “I just think about our relationship as a learning experience, and I think everyone should see their exes in that way, so you can move forward and not make the same mistake twice.” —Daniella, 24
13. “My ex lives a few blocks away from me, so running into him happens about as often as I go grocery shopping. We’re both mature about the breakup, and are civil towards each other, but neither one of us has started dating someone else, at least that I know of. I think knowing he’s still single gives me some sort of comfort. That probably means I’m not over him at all, but I feel good and that’s all that matters.” —Kylie, 25
14. “A lot of wine, a lot of ice cream, and a lot of crying. I think that’s pretty normal, right?” —Christina, 23
15. “My ex basically broke my heart, and it took me a while to open up to someone again because I was scared of being hurt. The amount of potential relationships I metaphorically shat on made me realize I needed to let my guard down, and when that began to happen I learned a lot about myself. I got over him because I realized that I had nothing to do with why he left.” —Mary Kate, 26