15 Men Share The Difference Between A Girl Who’s Just A Hookup And A Girl Who’s Girlfriend Material
"You want to take your girlfriend everywhere and anywhere because it's better when you're with her. The girl who's just a hookup, you don't really care whether she's there or not."
1. “A girl who is just a hookup doesn’t give a shit about you. She’s either more into herself than you, or she is just in it for the sex. A girl who makes a perfect girlfriend is someone who cares about you, who does things for you just because she wants to make you happy.” —Graham, 24
2. “Your girlfriend is someone you love to do things with. You want to take her everywhere and anywhere because it’s better when you’re with her. The girl who’s just a hookup, you don’t really care whether she’s there or not.” —Brendan, 24
3. “Sometimes it has less to do with the girl, and more with timing. When I was 23 and 24, hell no I didn’t want a girlfriend. I just wanted to hook up with girls; it didn’t matter how great they were, at that point in my life I just didn’t want to date anyone.” —Jason, 26
4. “A girl who washes my underwear is a girlfriend, a girl who takes off my underwear is a hookup.” —Carl, 25
5. “The girls I hookup with are the ones who I can tell are changing their personality to be what they think I like, and a girl I date is authentically herself no matter what.” —Morgan, 27
6. “I hookup with the girl who I think would never date me. The one who looks so good you feel like she’s too good. The girl I date is more of my equal.” —Pat, 25
7. “This is easy, a hookup is the girl I can’t stand for more than a few hours at a time. A girlfriend is the girl I can’t stand to be away from for more than one night.” —Charlie, 26
8. “Usually if she has sex with me the night we first meet, she’s just a hookup. Unless she’s like Jennifer Lopez hot, then maybe I’ll try dating her, if she’ll have me.” —Mike, 23
9. “I date a girl with quirks, I don’t even take the time to get to know the quirks of a hookup.” —Matthew, 24
10. “My girlfriend is someone who makes me laugh, and can put a smile on my face even if I’m having the shittiest day. A hookup doesn’t have to make me laugh, or smile, she just makes me horny.” —Vince, 25
11. “A hookup is all about physical attraction. The girls I hook up with are either the girls who I’m like holy hell I need to have sex with her right now, or just when I’m super horny and need sex, but a girlfriend is totally different. Any girl I date, hence a girlfriend, is much more of a gradual process. I take the time to get to know her because I find her interesting, and sure I’ll be physically attracted to her, but our real connection is gradual because we take the time to learn about each other. She’s not just some chick I want to bang, she’s a person I want to get to know.” —Lucas, 25
12. “The title says it all, your girlfriend is your friend…who you also have sex with, but you enjoy spending time with her. You don’t necessarily enjoy spending time with your hookup, you just enjoy having sex with them.” —Eddie, 25
13. “You can have an actual conversation with your girlfriend, meaningful conversations, things that actually matter to you. With your hookup you talk about the weather and traffic, it’s like the news you don’t care about.” —Kevin, 23
14. “Your girlfriend is the family mini van that does so much for you, and has so much purpose, but doesn’t necessarily have the speed or the lux, and your hookup is the lambo that you ride in once just for the experience.” —Cory, 25
15. “A girlfriend is the one who makes you feel like you’ve got a crush, like when you first start dating and you get really nervous and excited to see her, she gives you that feeling months into the relationship. A hookup is someone who you’re not nervous or excited to see, but just sort of see.” —Justin, 24