11 People Who Hooked Up With A Friend Share How It Affected Their Relationship
There was always a little bit of sexual tension there, just because we were such good friends and with each other every weekend. Finally I put the idea out there that we should just try hooking up. Damn I was wrong.

1. “We were both super drunk. We woke up the next morning and were like ‘Oh no, what did we do?’ Obviously we both knew what went down, but I think we both just saw it as a drunken moment of desperation and loneliness. Our friendship still stands.” —Keith, 25
2. “I’ve always thought he was super attractive, but didn’t see him in that way. One night we were watching a movie at my place with Chinese takeout, extremely casual, and for some reason I just wanted to see what it was like to kiss him, maybe to assure myself that I had no feelings for him and just thought he was hot. I was right, no feelings, and the kiss definitely helped me find out. It was only weird for the rest of the night, we’re still friends today.” —Annie, 24
3. “Hate to admit it, but I’ve had a thing for her from the very beginning. She’s perfect, which is exactly why we’re such close friends, and I guess my hopes for more lead me to make the move. She didn’t back away, which was a huge relief, but I don’t think she exactly enjoyed it either because it never happened again. She said she didn’t want to risk our friendship, just another way of saying, ‘I’m not into you like that,’ but no hard feelings, she’s still one of the coolest girls I know.” —Richie, 25
4. “She identifies as lesbian, and hooks up with girls, but the one night she totally came onto me. I don’t know what made her do it, and if she even had a good time, and when we talked about it she told me she’s definitely gay, so I guess she was just curious. I was cool with it and so was she, it was just a little weird moment that happened, no big deal.” —Kyle, 24
5. “We were friends for all of college, so four years. I thought there was underlying chemistry there, obviously because we got along so well as friends, and when we tested it out, I think I got more attached than I had planned. We hooked up multiple times, and I guess I just wanted a little more respect than to be just a hookup. He wasn’t willing to give that to me, and we haven’t talked since.” —Kelly, 23
6. “On senior week, he let me share his bed, and he did a little more than share it. We both blamed it on being drunk, so it was sort of overlooked and forgotten. Basically it was like it never even happened.” —Chloe, 23
7. “There was always a little bit of sexual tension there, just because we were such good friends and with each other every weekend. Finally I put the idea out there that we should just try hooking up. Damn I was wrong. The next few times seeing each other were extremely weird. You could tell we changed how we were around each other. Luckily we talked about it and got over it, and now laugh about it. It’s something that would never happen again with us. We are just meant to be close friends.” —Jim, 24
8. “Yeah, that happened. We’re still friends, but I think it’s because we haven’t talked about it to this day. I think that’s best for both of us.” —Drew, 24
9. “He had just broken up with his girlfriend, and of course I was there for support. He kept going on and on about how hard it was, and how much he’d miss her. If I’m being honest, I was the one who made the first move. I think maybe I felt bad for him, and wanted him to feel better. I actually don’t really know what I was thinking, but we’re still friends. I think he just sees it as a moment of weakness.” —Victoria, 24
10. “She’s awesome, but she’s basically like one of the guys. She’d probably kill me if she knew I said that, but I mean it as a compliment. I think I hooked up with her because we’re around each other so much that it almost felt like we were dating. Hooking up with her made me realize we are not a couple, which I guess is a good thing. Ever since we did it though something has been different between us. It sucks, but that’s just the way it is, and I don’t think talking about it will do anything.” —Nick, 25
11. “I hadn’t had sex in like 4 months, and from what I knew she hadn’t had sex in a while either. It was weird, but at least we got it out of our system. She knows I was just super horny, and it’s cool that she didn’t make it a huge deal. That’s why I’m friends with her, no drama ever.” —Chris, 25