7 Women Reveal The Weird Things That Happen To Them When They Orgasm
Sometimes weird things happen when women orgasm, and most times they're beyond our control.

1. “My hands cramp up and all of my fingers stick together so it literally looks like I have dinosaur claws or something. It’s also super awkward when I try to touch him while this is happening. He probably feels like I’m clawing at him. It’s so embarrassing, but surprisingly no one has ever asked about it, so apparently I’m good at hiding it.” —Aubrey, 23
2. “One time I couldn’t speak. It was actually really scary. We were doing it kind of rough, and for a VERY long time, and I was getting kind of dizzy and he could tell, so he asked if I was okay. I couldn’t even say that I was. I tried to talk and I couldn’t form words, anything I said was either with a lisp or complete gibberish. I have no idea what happened, but it took about 10 minutes for me to be able to form actual sentences. I think I really freaked him out (Lol) but I was freaking out too!” —Isa, 25
3. “My eyes always twitch when I’m orgasming. It is probably so unattractive, but I seriously can’t stop it. The people I sleep with most likely think I’m uncontrollably winking at them. I’m so creepy.” —Alicia, 23
4. “Sometimes I black out mid orgasm. One time my boyfriend told me that I called his penis a ‘fucking slut.’ When I told him I had no recollection of that ever happening he thought I was lying. I swear I do NOT remember saying that. It’s happened a few times, but with different phrases. No idea why it happens, or why I’m saying the things I do.” —Heidi, 22
5. “I lose feeling in my fingers. They feel like they’ve been out in the freezing cold for a really long time, not even tingly, just numb.” —Tracy, 25
6. “Occasionally I’ll hear a ringing in my ear. I told my one friend about this and she said that happens to people with mental illnesses. Awesome.” —Natalia, 24
7. “My right leg always shakes. It’s really noticeable, and I know this because anyone I’m having sex with always comments on it. One guy was strangely turned on by it because he said it was his way of knowing I was enjoying him.” —Danielle, 25